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donderdag 4 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GERMANY KARLSRUHE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Karlsruhe, ANIKA: Speech on the Day of Political Prisoners - cockroaches - Fight for a world without prisons! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

People have 7 to 9 square meters in their cell if they are prisoners in
a German prison. Things are looking worse worldwide. ---- Today -
especially - and every day, the call for freedom for all political
prisoners applies in left-wing movements. But crammed into 7 square
meters, it's not just those who are running, sitting and sleeping who
oppose the state order in their actions because of their political

 ---- According to the Federal Statistical Office, over 4,000
people in Germany are imprisoned every year because of their poverty.
They are serving a so-called substitute prison sentence because they
were punished for banalities such as so-called fare evasion and cannot
pay this penalty. At the same time, there are largely racialized people
in prison.
As of March 31, 2023, there were a total of 44,232 prisoners and people
in preventive detention in German prisons, of which 15,559 people had
foreign citizenship. If it is taken into account that around 52% of all
so-called German citizens are migrants, it becomes clear that the penal
system primarily affects the poorest and weakest of the population.
This shit has a system and it has a history.
Prison as a place and method of punishment became established around the
time of the Industrial Revolution, and only became widespread in Europe
at the end of the eighteenth century. One often hears that this process
was the result of a higher level of civilization and humanity. In
reality, this process arose from the development of wage labor, the
emergence of the proletariat, and the desire of the new bourgeois class
to spread and strengthen its domination over society.
Driven away from their communally managed properties, a veritable
vagrancy was created. At the request of state and capitalist
institutions, these should be trained to be cheap workers. Since they
resisted this, re-education was only possible through repressive laws,
prison and punishment. The time was ripe for class legislation, which
can still be found in all bourgeois-capitalist states today.
7 to 9 sqm.
The re-education of prisoners occurs through an attempt to break their
spirit. Early forms such as torture and the death penalty gave way to
supposedly milder methods such as imprisonment and silent coercion to
work. The punishment of the soul lies in the use of domination practices
that force the prisoner to supposedly reform. What this means is
adapting in order to be able to return to the labor market. The prisoner
should feel under constant observation, while at the same time the
prisoners' communication with each other and with the outside world is
under the control of the guards. The prisoners' vision narrows, locked
in narrow corridors and tiny prison cells, so that the eye can no longer
see into the distance and the mind can indulge in its free rein. You
have to be able to afford the prison. Accommodation will be billed to
the inmate. The use of electrical devices recorded in an electricity
bill. Anyone who was already economically underprivileged gets out of
prison with debts. We don't give a damn about the nonsense about
rehabilitation! (possibly related to scientific results that speak
against the success of rehabilitation in prisons)
Solidarity with all prisoners can be difficult, including, for example,
sexual criminals without signs of remorse. Thomas Mayer-Falk says that
we must approach the goal of abolishing all prisons step by step through
a transformation of social practices. Until the saying "Freedom for ALL
prisoners" can be valid.
And that's why we address all friends of the good life for all:
Down with all prisons and cages!
Let us look for alternatives to punitive logic, such as transformative
justice approaches. Let's support the abolitionist movement and the
solidarity work of organizations like the anarchist black cross or the
red help. Let's fight together for reforms that would at least make life
easier for some. Because concrete demands can already be made today:
Get rid of Section 43 of the Criminal Code, which regulates the
substitute prison sentence!
Public transport for everyone and free of charge! No more fare evasion!
The anarchist Clara Wichmann wrote in 1922:

And therefore - although we welcome any, but only real and sincere,
reform that is now being introduced in the criminal law and penal system
- our aim goes further: we demand radical transformation, not partial
improvement. We see a different principle at work: that of a new time,
of a fraternal humanity that increasingly has to break with the
principle of punishment in general.
Cancel capitalism! Burn down the prisons!
Bring on the good life for everyone!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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