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woensdag 10 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GHANA - All Out - 🌈 Stand with Ghana: Your action can stop an unjust law! - LGBTQIA Homosexualité GAY - Online news journal UPDATE


The image shows a sand clock on a red background, the text reads, 'Help protect LGBT+ people in Ghana before it's too late!'

Dear friends –

At the end of February, Ghana's Parliament unanimously passed the Anti-LGBT+ Bill – which criminalizes identifying as an LGBT+ person, forming an LGBT+ organization, or even showing support as an LGBT+ ally. The bill is now awaiting sign-off by the President. If signed into law, it would be one of the harshest anti-LGBT+ laws in the world.

Since then, petitions have been filed at Ghana's Supreme Court, raising concerns about the bill and aiming to halt the bill's progression into law.

In an alarming development, a motion by a parliament member seeks to compel the President to sign the bill into law and religious leaders are rallying to enforce this demand.

With the pressure on Ghana's president escalating, and our window to act narrowing, it is crucial that we take action NOW. This is our chance to stand with LGBT+ Ghanaians in opposition to this unjust bill.

Luc, over 77,000 All Out members have signed the petition asking Ghana's president to reject this bill. Your voice is the missing piece in our growing movement. Will you sign the petition TODAY and join the fight for justice in Ghana?

Yes, I'll sign now

Together, we can make a difference and stand with the LGBT+ community in Ghana.

Photo of MattThanks for going All Out,
Matt Beard
Executive Director

All Out is a people-powered movement. Members from around the world make monthly donations to power campaigns just like this one. Whenever there's a major attack on LGBT+ people, this support is what allows us to jump into action instantly.

Help fuel the fight and become an Equality Champion with a monthly donation today.


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