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zaterdag 6 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIE TRAPANI - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilië Libertaria: Trapani but without water (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Trapani, at the extreme tip of Italy and Sicily, is bathed on three

sides, by the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Mediterranean. This natural wealth
has marked its history or today favors tourism. ---- Yet he is...
without water to drink. ---- An old watermaker closed ten years ago and
supplies the precious liquid from the outskirts of the province, from
the Bresciana district, 60 km from the capital, via long pipelines -
sieves. ---- When the water arrives, and the "norm" is distribution
every other day and for a few hours, it is sometimes smelly and polluted
due to the contiguity and the same level of the water pipe with the
sewer pipe.

But the "norm" is not the rule. It often happens that the water doesn't
arrive at all: real attacks on the sampling pumps for which only today -
after years and years - has it been decided to put some sort of remedy
at least with video surveillance, breakages for the most varied reasons
in the transport pipeline, "rationings" due to the "water crisis" due to

The substantial result is that entire neighborhoods and hamlets - we are
talking about thousands of users - therefore remain without water for
even long periods. In other areas, water arrives every four days.

In the meantime, ATI Trapani, the "governing" body for regulating the
water service in the province - and of which the capital municipality,
Trapani, is the second largest "shareholder" - is evaluating the "choice
of the management model ", whether public or private. If the choice fell
on this last model we would be faced with yet another rape of the
outcome of the referendum of 12-13 June 2011 which repealed the laws
which spoke of privatization of water management and which has already
been recently scuppered by the Draghi government.

And the population? She remains in "religious" silence, does not take to
the streets against the mayor-autocrat of the day, is resigned, and ...
buys water.

Water in Trapani, for washing and cooking (for drinking we only use
supermarket water which we know is a contributing cause of the
accumulation of dangerous microplastics in the body) has become a "genre
of luxury" and the new "jewelers" are the usual few and well-known ones
who manage "private" city wells and the private water tankers that
supply condominiums with very high bills.

And the latter is the only thriving "industry" in Trapani, together with
that of the Masonic cliques and the patronage vote. In Trapani there is,
in fact, no water "emergency": the situation described has been
experienced "always", but, despite all this, citizens flock to the polls
always voting for the usual suspects.

Those who, in the past, have tried to demand rights and not favors, to
draw attention, at the very least, to "the need, and the legal
obligation, to provide citizen-consumers with a "Service Charter", or to
promoting the use of potable water also for drinking is first
marginalized and then forgotten.

Natale Salvo

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