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zaterdag 27 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, CNT-CIT, #437: Discontinued and discontinued products - Leonor Silvestri (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

We could have changed the world. Other times, a new opportunity arose
that we have missed due to the size of the so-called Neolithic
revolution. ---- For example, if remote work had been preserved in all
cases, carbon emissions would have been reduced, which is why today
marches continue to be held where no one attends with a mask because
Covid, that chimera, is something worrying. yes and only if you have
immune compromise; massive infections would have been cornered, and
space would have been freed up in the central areas of the crowded
metropolises, massive movements of people to go to work would have been
avoided, the working day would have been reduced until capitalist work
could be abolished from this land, cut off with displacements and
gentrifications that then stimulate burning by the ministries of real
estate speculation. We could have ended tourism in all its forms, and
therefore gentrification in one fell swoop. We could have stopped sneaky
forms of colonization, covert forms of invasion under the label
"travel." Without tourism, without airplanes, without resorts, we could
have contributed or at least slowed down the inexorable extermination of
all the animals on this planet whose existence is decimated due to the
existence of our civilization. We could have given the Earth a break and
like a garden that regenerates with rain after a drought, let it grow
green with our stillness and rest, with our abstinence from consumption
and production. We could have stopped the clearing of what little
remains of the jungle and the burning of the native forest with our
refusal to reintegrate.

We could have given the Earth a break and, like a garden that
regenerates with rain after a drought, let it grow green with our
stillness and repose, with our abstinence from consumption and production.

We could also have abolished the school, that little prison office where
citizenship is learned, a machine that produces us like submissive
sausages for the law, peace, decency, and order; where you learn
democracy, that lie created by sophisticated Hellenic pedophiles, today
as strengthened as the fachogresía; We could have put an end to the
meritocratic myth that those who want are poor due to lack of will
because this is the land of opportunities and bad luck if you also have
an illness. We could have done so much with inaction, we could have
ended scientific research in the service of glyphosate and genetically
modified food. We could have annulled the unbridgeable distance between
unattainable artists, false idols, and fanatical viewers thirsty to
express insensitive emotions. We could have achieved the abolition of
school (and of all formal institutionalized education in Western and
white institutions of confinement) in pursuit of alternatives for the
creation of knowledge, sharing and free circulation of knowledge that
include other approaches, without coercion, without notes, without
classrooms, without schedules, without obligation. We were able to
return to the professions, shortening the distance between who knows and
what is about to know, enough to once again know if it is going to rain
today just by looking at the sky or in which direction the wind is
blowing and what that means.

Nor did returning to normal maintain ties of support and protection for
people who are necessarily alone. However, the empty 5-star hotels that
first year of the pandemic could have been forced to house, sine die,
free of charge any person homeless or in unsuitable housing who
requested it along with their pets in instead of fighting to get in
there to work with a labor contract written in inclusive and a ram union.

The quality of the air in both closed and public spaces would have been
improved with a lower influx of capacity in unavoidable spaces of high
demand, such as a pharmacy, a hospital, or a bus station, and with a
restrictive use of fuel vehicles fossil; but especially the air
conditioning of offices, hospitals, institutions in general that begins
to claim lives with bacteria like legionella. We could have created an
awareness of avoiding infections with precautionary measures of all
kinds for infectious transmissions with voluntary preventive isolation
in the presence of symptoms instead of going to work anyway, take cold,
it's nothing, my throat hurts, I slept badly and without a mask spit or
sneeze on a packed train during rush hour. We could have understood that
health is not the normal state of the body but a state of exception, a
maximum intensity that must be collectively prolonged with caution,
among other things, stopping capitalism and the murderous work within
it, instead of exacerbating it. that the vulnerable are dispensable like
a plastic diaper floating stinking on the coast on which a hungry and
dirty seagull perches.

We could have taken the means of production, and discarded what we could
do without, in favor of a life where there is not so much to choose from
in the aisle of desires, but for someone to be completely left out to
their fate is unthinkable. Work arrangements without customer service,
abolished the possibility of, for a modest sum of money, experiencing
the opportunity to know what it feels like to be royalty and have
someone do your hands or clean crumbs from a table that is served to you
without speaking. We could have learned to eat and cook what suits each
individual body best outside of the agro-industrial models of GMOs and
glyphosate, take charge of our food, create community gardens and cook
for those who cannot do so. We could have established permanent
neighborhood care networks for the elderly, and for any single person
who does not want to be alone or who requires support. We could have
gone to look for all the childhoods that live locked up in orphanages
and reformatories, that is, penitentiaries for the crime of being born,
and take charge collectively, not leaving them where they continue,
where they remain while they imitate the rich and famous and acquire
blonde children. Angeladas of Chernobyl (it's cheaper) for the right to
choose the religion of the Rickimartian family and the right to the
future of diverse childhoods that have not yet been born.

We could have abolished the police after all the atrocities they carried
out in all parts of the world even during an unprecedented health
emergency as the abusive, sadistic and miserable scourges that they are.
We could have once again wished for the end of capitalism in each and
every one of its forms. We could have made the mask our new anonymous
face that reflects the fragility inherent to all existence and its
criminal entity to survive in this atrocity called late capitalism, but
it gives us security that the security cameras take photos of us, the
verified profile on the social network, and sign autographs.

Moving less, moving little, moving barely, moving slowly, we were able
to stop the world. Live small instead of being the officials of the
agony of this machine of torture and extermination under the pretext of
doing good, rights and laws, that death trap.

We could have risen to the occasion for once and taken a leap into the
emptiness of a new paradigm, where we could be safe, have the shelter of
a den and like the first monachoi, share everything, mutual care, food,
the body. That for once in this century freedom was not the market.

See everyone agree that this world can do without the old and the sick,
as well as neutrophils, as well as the neural synapses due to the
consequences, as long as we can return to work, to schools, to banks and
offices, to recitals, and birthdays. How mediocre and saddening to want
to return to a life just like the one we had. We could have risen to the
occasion for once and taken the opportunity to leap into the void of a
new paradigm, an unknown dimension where we could be safe, have the
shelter of a lair and like the first monachoi, share it. everything,
mutual care, food, the body. That for once in this century freedom was
not the market.

Those who talk about the future of their children and think about them
being happy and lacking an honest job as office employees of a
multinational or as employers of exploited people until mentally their
parents canceled the future precisely because they were bored at home
and missed the social forms where the only way to entertain is to
consume and exploit someone else, what will they tell you? That they
were afraid and returned happily, happily singing, to the house of a
rapist and severe father but with air conditioning in summer and a
balanced draft in winter, instead of confronting him and giving him the
final blow? Do you think that the water that continues to become
contaminated will be enough for your children to drink? What will they
understand from what we leave written, from what we say, a whole
generational mob of people with mental fog or vascular damage, whose
health, whose cells are mutated by the recurrent reinfections, ignored
and naturalized, of a virus that does not stop? to be modified due to
permanent circulation with a health system, public or free, that is not
enough? What history will they create for future generations of
activists for the functional diversity of the consequences of permanent
covid, will they know that we could have prevented their oppression from
existing but that on a planetary scale we choose to let them become sick
to the point of disability while they die from lack of water under the
infernal heat of a planet that burns forever so as not to have to
deprive ourselves of any of the compensatory joys that capitalism
offered us and therefore now we are desertification and pesticides?

My spirit will never calm down again, how could it, after having seen a
portal that opens to another world, and seeing it close, like in the
movies, and not having been able to take the leap.

They agreed to call ALL of this NORMALITY, which speaks clearly of how
much the civilization that cannot live without, formatted as fresh from
the factory, its planned obsolescence, is willing to accept sacrifice.
And they looked back with stone eyes like pillars of salt. It is very
scary that the Nazis are so poorly dressed, camouflaged everywhere
without any distance or confrontation between forms of life. And let the
rest be apathy, inertia, or disappointment.

Eventually, they will knock on your door too.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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