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zaterdag 6 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE TANZANIA ARUSHA - ANIMALS - Network for Animals - Tragic Tanzanian street dog has hope at last.


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We found Kwikwi living in a storm drain on the streets of Tanzania. Now her forever home in the UK awaits, but she needs YOUR help to get there!

Dear friends, 

Nearly two years ago, we told you about Kwikwi, a pregnant street dog living in a storm drain on the treacherous, rubbish-strewn streets of Arusha in northern Tanzania. 

Despite a severe neurological condition that causes her body to be wracked with constant, uncontrollable tremors, and years of a truly hellish existence on the streets, Kwikwi remained pure in heart. When we first met her, this sweet girl greeted us with a wagging tail as if she knew we were there to help.

Credit: ASPA

Kwikwi’s story is one of resilience and hope. She touched our hearts as she did yours.

Your support enabled us to provide Kwikwi with urgent emergency care, ensuring her survival in a world where the odds are stacked against her. Shortly after being treated, Kwikwi gave birth to her puppies on the street, and when one of the puppies died, we knew we had to do more. 

Credit: NFA/Jo Higgs

There are no animal shelters in Arusha, so we rushed Kwikwi and her puppies to the offices of our partner, the Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPA), where they were given life-saving food, veterinary care and temporary shelter

Operating purely as a mobile veterinary outreach unit with limited resources, ASPA embraced Kwikwi and her litter, offering them sanctuary amidst their own struggles. But the reality is that the animals could not stay with them forever…  

Credit: ASPA

We have a wonderful opportunity to change Kwikwi’s life forever.

We are delighted to report that all six of Kwikwi’s puppies have been adopted into loving homes in Tanzania, and with your help, Kwikwi could be next! A kind-hearted family in the United Kingdom has expressed their desire to adopt her, offering her a safe and nurturing home on a beautiful, spacious farm

Credit: NFA/Jo Higgs


The journey to Kwikwi’s forever home spans over 7,700 kilometers (4,700 miles), and the transportation costs are the final obstacle to overcome. We really need YOUR support to make this relocation a reality.

We have faced financial and logistical challenges in moving Kwikwi for the past two years. But now, we have a limited, one-time opportunity to get her to her forever home, and we must act fast. 

Credit: NFA/Jo Higgs

If we can raise the necessary funds, approximately $4,000 (£3,200), we will be able to cover the costs of Kwikwi's flight, blood tests, food and special care from the team on the ground, so she can make the move from Tanzania to the United Kingdom. As an added bonus, she gets to take a friend with her, a flight buddy who’s ready to accompany her as soon as next week. 

Time is of the essence – we must act immediately so Kwikwi doesn’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Credit: NFA/Byron Seale

Imagine the joy and relief that sweet Kwikwi will feel as she arrives at her new home with her loving family. With your help, she will embark on an incredible journey toward a new life filled with all the safety, comfort and love she could possibly imagine. 

Your generosity today will transform Kwikwi's life forever!

Please donate what you can today to give Kwikwi the happy life she deserves. 

Please donate now

For the animals,

IMAGINE the FEAR and PAIN… a happy little dog… abandoned by her family… then brutally hit by a car and left to cry, suffer and die. 5

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
CEO and Founder
Network for Animals

P.S. We first met sweet Kwikwi when she crawled out of the depths of a storm drain in rural Tanzania, heavily pregnant and scrambling towards us with her tail wagging, despite her pain and suffering. She deserves a peaceful, happy life on a farm in England, and together, we can get her there. Should your generosity exceed our goal, all additional funds will be used to change the lives of other dogs just like Kwikwi. Please donate right now.

Banner Credit: NFA/Jo Higgs

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