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vrijdag 24 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE EU EUobserver eu euobserver - OPINION - EUobserver daily news


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The Battery Show Europe and Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo, 18-20 June, 2024 in Stuttgart, Germany, bring together 19,000+ engineers, suppliers and thought leaders from across the advanced battery and H/EV supply chain. REGISTER NOW

EU to blacklist Russian judges who jailed dissidents

Russian judges who jailed a young artist and well-known dissidents will face EU justice in the form of a travel ban and asset freeze from Monday.Read on »

Von der Leyen's key 'space law' set to be postponed

An EU space law was among the key legislative initiatives by proposed by European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen. But a draft bill is unlikely to be presented under current mandate.Read on »

Climate and the million dollar questions – a population survey

Climate policy cannot be successful if it is perceived as a pet project of the elites. A look into the insecure and distanced milieus is essential - otherwise resentment and resistance will grow.Read on »

Dutch NGOs sue Booking.com over holidays in occupied Palestinian West Bank

A group of human rights organisations have filed a complaint against online travel giant Booking.com for advertising glamping sites and holiday homes in occupied Palestinian territories. Read on »

The political 'Eurovision' - Follow the Spitzenkandidat debate live

EUobserver takeaways from the final Spitzenkandidat debate before June's European election.Read on »

The new Dutch coalition faces imminent EU reality checkOPINION

The idea of obtaining a Dutch opt-out from the EU’s migration policy requires EU treaty change and is clearly dead on arrival. Ditto opting-out of the 1992 Habitats Directive.Read on »

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