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vrijdag 31 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Die Plattform: International solidarity against the floods in Brazil! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Dear friends, dear comrades, ---- Recently, heavy rains and the
resulting floods shook the south of Brazil, especially the state of Rio
Grande do Sul. It is the worst flood in the history of the regional
capital Porto Alegre. The population's situation is catastrophic. On May
9th, civil protection reported that around 1.7 million people were
directly affected. Well over 100 people have died in the water and many
more are still missing. 400,000 people have lost their roof over their
heads and the numbers continue to rise. All of this once again
demonstrates the destructive potential of the climate crisis caused by

Porto Alegre is also the home and center of the political work of our
sister organization Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG). For almost 30
years, the comrades have been active in the diverse struggles of the
exploited and oppressed in their region. In trade unions, neighborhood
organizations, the student movement, feminist and anti-racist struggles.

Now FAG is turning to the global anarchist movement and therefore also
to all of us with an urgent call for solidarity. Many comrades are
themselves directly affected by the flood. Some have had to leave their
homes, others have no electricity or running water. The Ateneu
Libertario in Porto Alegre, which serves as the base for FAG's
activities, also had to be temporarily closed because the risk of
flooding was too high. So that the comrades can get back to work
quickly, they need our support.

Especially as activists from the global north, we see it as our
responsibility to support our comrades. We therefore ask you to spread
the call for solidarity and donate to the comrades.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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