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vrijdag 24 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCAD'I #184 - Notes on world disorder (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The European Parliament which will be elected from 6 to 9 June will
designate the new Commission which will govern the European Union
together with the Heads of State and Government. The new body will have
to guide the Union for 5 difficult years as the winds of war blow ever
more forcefully in Europe and around the world . Regardless of the
outcome of the almost concurrent elections of the new President of the
United States, the new European executive will have to move in an
increasingly multipolar world, definitively taking note of the end of US
hegemony over the world.
The recent enlargement of the Brics has profoundly changed the structure
of the world balance and the aggregation of countries that recognize
themselves in this cooperation association covers as much as 44% of
world trade, but brings together a large part of the planet's population
and is able to influence in an increasingly decisive way the world
economy today characterized by a different distribution of the
international division of labor, by the attribution of market shares, by
the quality and quantity of production sectors belonging to the
different economies. It follows that the
distribution of wealth at a global level is profoundly modified and is
destined to further change over time in relation to the development
prospects and the economic and productive organization of the different
It must be acknowledged that a no-holds-barred clash is underway
regarding the control of energy production, access to raw materials, the
control of market shares regarding the various production sectors which
takes on different characteristics from the past when the production
cycle was based on steel production and other traditional economic
parameters of the economy of the last century. Today the productions
relating to information technology, telematics, artificial intelligence,
technological innovation, the automation of production processes are the
masters, all of this is accompanied by a distributed attribution of poor
and marginal work functional to creating in the societies full of
underdevelopment and poverty, compatible with a growing wealth of those
who find themselves in top positions in the management of profit and

The characteristics of the different production areas

The European productive area is characterized by quality agriculture
capable of satisfying the needs of the populations and guaranteeing
self-sufficiency. In the European economic model, manufacturing and the
production of services that guarantee a high level of income assume
importance; It is precisely the prevalence of the manufacturing sector
that produces the coexistence in the territory of forms of production
that reflect different models of work organisation,
creating a mix of simultaneous presence of advanced production models
and so-called "backward" models. For example, alongside high-tech
production sectors with a high level of automation and advanced
management, there coexist sectors that use home working, the factory as
part of a complex system of branches distributed throughout the
territory which assemble, thanks to efficient logistics , different
components produced in decentralized production units.
This production model. in the recent past, it aspired to achieve a green
transformation regarding the use of energy, reducing the climate impact
on the territory, achieving the abandonment of fossil fuels, to move on
to the use of so-called clean energies. This project was accompanied by
a more intense use of technological innovation and the exploitation of
raw materials needed to create high-tech, innovative productions and
products with high added value. The long-term objective consisted of an
economy that we
defined as neocurtense which envisaged the downsizing of logistics, the
partial return of strategic production to the territory, and a
substantial strengthening of the European production model.[1]
The competitiveness of this model and its very feasibility is today
called into question by the attack aimed at weakening its strengths by
putting agriculture in crisis with the entry of Ukraine into the union
which would be devastating for the country's agricultural policy. union,
forcing the various European countries to rearmament, thus absorbing
significant resources taken away from healthcare, education and welfare,
making the concentric attack brought on by a different production model
based on technological innovation accompanied by control and possession
of raw materials, especially energy, and by a strong control exercised
over the financial and capital markets, constituted by the United
States, which is implementing an economic and commercial policy which
provides for the return to the country of many productive activities,
once decentralized, requires strong capital investments attracted
through legislation to support foreign productive investments, which
aims to maintain leadership in the most technologically advanced
productions in order to exercise in this way a function of directing
capitalist accumulation and political hegemony.
Among the competitors on a global level who aspire to establish this
role there is certainly also China which is characterized by great
attention to the development of the most advanced production sectors and
dedicates particular attention to trade, diversifying its production
investments through the acquisition of raw materials in third countries,
in exchange for productive investments in infrastructure, gaining
control of world trade flows and those of communication and trade
routes, dedicating particular attention, together with Russia, to the
opening of the Arctic route through which develop its trade activities
towards Europe, not excluding sterilizing and gradually reducing the
commercial flow that passes through the Mediterranean.
Taking these objectives into account, the attack brought by England and
the United States on the economic policy of the European Union and on
its stability through the Ukrainian war has produced the reversal of
energy flows, the crisis of the agricultural economy of the union, the
increase in production costs for European goods, determining the new
direction of Russia's energy flows towards the Chinese and Indian
production areas and this new structure of energy flows has ended up
constituting a formidable element of support towards the economies of
China and India, to the detriment of the European area, enhancing the
take-off of those already growing economies.
The Arab-Israeli crisis fits into this context of rapidly changing
economic and production flows as an element of disruption to the
possible development of the economy of the Arab oil-producing countries
which, however, continue to maintain a capital availability high enough
to allow them to promote
productive investments that place them on the most advanced markets of
energy, technological innovation and development.
In this new international context, Africa becomes the object of
contention between different forces, competitive with each other,
differently positioned at the moment, and destined to clash in the
future to compete for hegemony. In particular, the band of Central
African countries appears increasingly enfeoffed to the Russian presence
which presides over the territory with its own militias; the Chinese
presence is instead widespread everywhere, uselessly contrasted by a
European and American presence that is struggling in the attempt to
insert itself to compete and counter the competition of fierce
competitors to
which is added with a growing weight the economic activity headed by
India and the growing role of its production system and its economy.
The area that currently appears to be in greatest difficulty is Latin
America, which is too divided and fragmented to compete on an equal
footing with other entities operating on the international market and
which aspire to play a leading role in the economic development of the
Other economic and political areas of the world deserve careful analysis
such as that of Turkey with projections towards Africa and the
territories of Central Asia inhabited by Islamic populations, or the
economic area that revolves around Indonesia and extends up to Japan and
Taiwan, or even the area made up of the Indochinese peninsula and many
others, so that we can have a global vision of the forces in the field
that aspire to participate in the management of a now multipolar world
that now presents itself as configured in "plates" . With this
expression we intend to
refer to contiguous territories whose economies revolve around an
attractive pole and tend to constitute a political-economic aggregate of
common interest, thus certifying in practice the overcoming of the
dimension of the jurisdiction of the nation state and starting the
overcoming of its dimension with the result of fueling the differences
between dominant and subordinate ethnic groups.

Elements of fragility of the system

Common elements of fragility of some of these political and economic
systems come from their demographic structure. In particular, the
European production model cannot help but be affected by the demographic
crisis that is gripping the continent and which there is no desire to
remedy due to a short-sighted migratory policy which, profoundly marked
by racism, leads to the exclusion of migrants and prevents them from
their contribution can compensate for the decline in births and the
desertification produced by disastrous and devastating armed clashes
such as the one in Ukraine.
With specific reference to Europe, it will be necessary to deepen the
analysis, hypothesizing possible solutions to the problems emerging from
the contemporary coexistence in the territory of the union of 5
cultural-religious components: the Catholic one, the Protestant one, the
Orthodox one, the Islamic one and the component that is inspired to the
values of secularism and enlightenment, considering that the
distribution of the population between these different memberships is
numerically equivalent and will emerge with ever greater relevance,
producing profound reflections on possible coexistence. A new amalgam
of these different cultural contributions is still to come and its
relevance is currently underestimated, in our opinion, in relation to
the weight it can take on for social peace and the possibility of
allowing new impetus to the aspirations of the populations.
China will also have to deal with the demographic problem and the
unstoppable progressive aging of its population, which is destined to
see its active population progressively and drastically reduce over the
next twenty years while at the same time the economic burden of managing
the elderly population will grow. India and Africa find themselves in a
different situation and can focus on the active role that their
population, largely made up of young people, capable of giving their
active contribution to the development of the production system and
offering cheap labor.
With these "notes on world disorder" we intend to start a reflection in
several stages which will try to reconstruct the characteristics and
possible scenarios of the "plates" in which the distribution of the
multipolar world which constitutes the new order of world disorder is
taking shape or if he prefers the new order which will however have as
its characterizing element the continuous and repeated development of
conflicts. However, having an analysis that evaluates the possible
impact of the various factors leads to reconstructing the overall
picture and constitutes the pre-conditions for being able to at least
hypothesize a possible strategy to counter a project that has the sole
objective of perpetuating and deepening the inequalities and
exploitation of one over another.

[1]Analysis of the 2022 phase, Political Growth Newsletter, N 163 - sep.
2022, https://www.ucadi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/163.pdf

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