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donderdag 23 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL: New offensives against the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The inhabitants and farmers of the ZAD formerly coveted by the Grand
Ouest airport project have recently been the subject in the press of a
series of threats and incriminating and largely erroneous comments from
the mayors of the bordering towns of Vigneux de Bretagne and
Notre-Dame-des-Landes. ---- Behind this media attack we find the choice
of initiating on the part of the mayor of Vigneux a process aimed at
obtaining from the administrative court of Saint-Nazaire a judicial
title which could lead to the destruction of habitats rebuilt after the
violent destruction of Operation Caesar in 2012.

Six years after the abandonment of the airport project at
Notre-Dame-des-Landes and the destruction of numerous living spaces
("huts") - which had been installed at different points in the area over
the long fight against this project of environmental absurdity - the
mayors of Vigneux and Notre-Dame-des-Landes (supported or exploited by
an LR Senator, Madame Garnier who does not hide her intentions to win
the town hall of Nantes) were received at the Ministry of the Interior
by Darmanin to discuss the situation of the Zadists established without
a lease or building permit. These two mayors are exasperated by "new
arrivals with no agricultural projects installed in the ZAD in recent
years" and speak of "incivility", "caravan camps and illicit electrical
These mayors had already tried to intervene by calling on the Prefect
via an open letter to Darmanin reminding him that following the
"evacuation of the area to be defended at Notre-Dame-des-Landes in 2018,
there would no longer be a ZAD In France ". This first intervention had
no follow-up.

Historical review
In April 2018, as part of negotiations with the State, the latter
rejected the movement's proposal to manage the post-project in a
collective form, drawing inspiration from the Larzac model.
The State requests (imposes) the presentation of individual agricultural
projects. A majority of Zadists organize themselves to present projects
covering the maximum amount of land (240 ha) thus securing all living
spaces and avoiding any further destruction or expulsion, by overlapping
uses, allowing the coexistence of numerous subsistence, artisanal and to
the Zadists wanting to perpetuate this original project, to stay there.
Since then, other peasant projects have emerged (fruit growers, snails,
etc.), to date more than twenty peasant installations have been
developed by residents of the former ZAD. Likewise, other craft projects
have been created.
I will not return to the difficulties, the different approaches and
visions which went through this period of transition, which also saw the
Zadists tear each other apart and some leave the area.
By imposing these projects, the State hoped to reduce the number of
inhabitants in the area and avoid the creation of a protest
(revolutionary) center. I remember a response from the prefect on what
motivated the refusal of the collective project (Larzac model), and I
was surprised by one of her arguments: "the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes
is too near Nantes.
Did she want to suggest that maintaining a number of protesters of the
dominant model in the area could create a center of resistance? In this
case she would have been right, because the Uprisings of the Earth were
born in Notre-Dame-des-Landes and took into account the experience of
the struggle which took place there by associating different movements:
Confédération Paysanne, Extinction Rebellion, and various associations,
to put the spotlight on local struggles in France, by organizing, always
with local actors, important resistance events as we see with the
struggles against mega-basins, against highway concreting (A69), against
Lafarge, the Lyon-Turin project etc....
Mayors who do not play politics...
The mayors of the two municipalities are hiding behind the PLUI (Local
Intercommunal Urban Planning Plan) which was updated after the
abandonment of the airport project, which allows them to assert that
they have no political intention but that it is only an administrative
subject in connection with town planning.
Overnight, the PLUI classified almost the entire territory as a Natural
or Agricultural Zone without taking into account what existed, trying to
deny that life had continued, that the hamlets had been reoccupied
(negation of the presence of residents who spent eight years of their
lives fighting to save this area from concreting) that homes destroyed
in 2012 had been rebuilt. The PLUI written after the abandonment acted
as if all these inhabitants, their buildings, their practices -
artisanal, social, cultural, naturalist, forestry, etc. - did not exist
and had no reason to exist.
A legal appeal was filed by the association NDDL Poursuivre Ensemble and
the AACB, Association for a Common Future in the Bocage, given the
impossible dialogue, in particular with Gwénola Franco, mayor of
Vigneux, who refuses any building permit and who states: "there is no
subject on declared farmers. The question is people settled illegally,
particularly on agricultural or natural land.»
The mayor of Notre-Dame also mentions "a good atmosphere with
agricultural project leaders" but would like the rest to be "cleaner".
He refuses the construction of peasant housing (proposed by the
Departmental Council) as long as other "illegitimates" occupy historic
housing. Wanting to sort out the Zadists and denying their history in
this struggle is a very political position, instead of considering
exchanges, as has been happening for 4 years now with the Department.

Obstacles posed by town halls to regularizations
For more than five years, residents and farmers have been working with
the Departmental Council (CD44) and the State to regularize land,
buildings, habitats and activities on the former ZAD, step by step.
Agricultural leases (with high environmental implications) were able to
be signed on part of the land, and statuses relating to their activities
were obtained. The CD44, which remains the owner of the majority of land
and buildings to this day, is today ready to sign leases with the
residents of historic farmhouses as well as those who benefit from
building permits (PC) on houses destroyed by the airport project and
newer constructions. But there is still obstruction, notably by the town
hall of Vigneux-de-Bretagne, in obtaining PCs or network connections
(water and electricity) for a certain number of homes:
* While Jean-Paul Naud, Mayor of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, has allowed the
reconstruction of farms and habitats destroyed due to the airport
project in her town, Gwenola Franco, Mayor of Vigneux, has so far
refused permits linked to this type of reconstruction.
* There are also experiments in the construction of lightweight,
reversible and biosourced habitats in the ZAD. This innovative approach
is a valuable avenue in the face of an increasingly glaring housing
crisis, and in particular the lack of social housing. This type of
ecological solution is also the subject of growing interest in certain
municipalities of the CCEG (Community of municipalities of Erdre and
Gesvres). Frameworks (STECAL[1]) exist today to regularize them in
compliance with town planning law. The residents concerned have asserted
them without result to date.
* The possibility of PC (Building Permit) for peasant housing planned
within the framework of the PLUI for established farmers also seems
blocked by the mayors. The farmers concerned can neither complete their
installation nor stabilize their project, and are thus kept in
precarious circumstances. At a time when we are becoming aware of the
difficulties of the peasant profession as well as its essential nature,
it is unthinkable that additional obstacles would be imposed on these
new settlers.

Mayors refuse to recognize
what the inhabitants of the former ZAD
bring to the life of their communities
While we are today alerted to the lack of agricultural vocations, the
inhabitants of the former ZAD have developed around twenty farming
installations (360 ha) since 2018. These agro-ecological farms maintain
the bocage and avoid chemical inputs which alter the water resources and
land of the communes. They promote biodiversity with the support of
naturalist associations. They supply the short circuits, AMAPs, local
stores and markets that local residents frequent.
But like many rural areas, the former ZAD is not inhabited only by its
farmers. Against a vision of the countryside with isolated farmers, we
must affirm, support and guarantee that the other inhabitants of the
bocage are just as legitimate to stay and live here and maintain their
activities in the communes of Notre-Dame and of Vigneux.
Let us testify that all these people have greatly contributed to
protecting the numerous nuisances which would have been caused by the
airport project and to preserving the environment of this territory.
They have lived here for years, have rebuilt and maintained the houses
demolished by the police, and are implementing inspiring ecological and
social experiments. Their choice to stay there is due to a deep
attachment to this territory, and their various activities participate
directly in the life of the communities. But we are in rural communities
where we hear "these zadists are not from the country", the question of
foreigners is a social phenomenon
The old ZAD is also made rich and alive by the arrival, these last 15
years, new people with multiple skills and their activities which
jointly intertwine and radiate: forestry management in the local sector,
manufacturing of insulating plates made of straw or hemp, making of
pancakes and pancakes, cannery, brewery, bakery, architecture, carpentry
, roofing, pruning, logging, home care, catering, mechanics,
blacksmithing, metallurgy, printing, screen printing, craft workshops
and other interventions at the ecomuseum, etc. Passionate about their
profession and about transmission issues, many offer training spaces,
participatory projects and welcoming moments for children from
surrounding communities - in school and after-school settings as well as
for summer camps.
It is also a culturally dense place: Taslu library, multipurpose rooms
for seminars, screenings, shows, artistic residencies and exhibitions,
nature walks, etc. The places that allow these activities have their
place in a living rural territory.
150 to 200 residents have their own organization, and are in
negotiations with the departments to resolve life issues, without going
through the uncooperative town halls. But the latter have enormous power
over obtaining (or regularizing) building permits. The granting of
permits entails significant costs for town halls, due to connections to
the electricity and water networks even if the department is committed
to paying for half of the installations.
The inhabitants of the former ZAD have created a lot of activity and are
establishing themselves in the communes (especially Notre-Dame) and are
perceived and experienced as a community within the (communal) community
while all this which lives on the ZAD is open to the populations
(purchases of products from the fifteen organic farms, participation in
training outings on the forest, use of the Qplomb inn, open day every
year at the end of May (May 26 for 2024), etc.

Counterattack at the media level
An open letter was sent to the mayors and made public during a press
conference organized by the coordination of organizations supporting the
ZAD projects[2].
"Is the arrival of new people in your communities a problem? Whether it
is the fight to save the Guérande salt marshes in the 1980s, the Larzac
struggle, or the struggle for the abandonment of the airport project at
Notre-Dame-des-Landes, these The arrivals energized the struggles and
largely contributed to the victories.
First of all, while residents go from step to step to respond to
administrative requests and move forward with their projects, it seems
to us as counterproductive as it is irresponsible to let situations drag
on in which projects are blocked by endless ping-pong around building
permits and network connections. Even the most dynamic people can become
discouraged when their projects have been blocked for 5 years. Wouldn't
a dialogue between the different communities concerned and the project
leaders be the best solution?
This is why we do not understand the current recurring difficulties in
obtaining building permits which should be right on places which had
been built before 2012. These old farms and buildings were destroyed by
the State: the latter should have , after abandonment and at your
injunctions, because it was your responsibility, finance the
reconstructions to maintain the social potential and restore the
dynamics of the sector concerned.
The people affected by the regularization process and targeted by your
declarations have actually been living in this territory for years. They
helped protect him. They contribute to making it dynamic.
Stakeholders of our collective victory of 2018, and of what is now
happening in the area, we advocate dialogue in the face of difficulties
and misunderstandings. Because we refuse to give up hope, we will not
allow these places of life where a desirable future is created to be
What about this desire for dialogue on the ground? Despite the press
conference and the letter sent to them, the Mayors still refuse to meet
a delegation made up of farmers and residents. They only want to discuss
with established peasants.
A Tribune is therefore being signed. The idea is to make it public once
we have collected enough signatures, through a press conference or a
rally, by also sending it to the elected officials of Vigneux,
Notre-Dame and other town halls of the community of communes (CCEG). It
will support the various ongoing attempts to move mayors from their
current perspective and the problems they pose to the ZAD locations.

Joël Quélard
co-president of NDDL PE (Pursuivre Ensemble)
and representative of the association in coordinating the movement for
six months.

[1]Sectors of limited size and reception capacity (STECAL) are sectors
delimited within the non-building zones of the PLU, such as agricultural
zones, and within which certain constructions or installations can be
built in an exceptional manner.
[2]The letter can be read in full on the website
www.nddl-poursuivre-ensemble.fr/ The signatories are: NDDL Poursuivre
Ensemble, ATTAC 44, friends of the Confédération paysanne 56, la
Confédération Paysanne 44, les Écologists 44, Solidarités Ecologie (La
Chapelle sur Erdre), Solidaires 44, LPO 44, Ensemble 44...

A Tribune in support of the inhabitants and farmers of the
Notre-Dame-Des-Landes bocage

"We - members of associations, unions and agricultural organizations,
AMAPs, parents of students, residents of neighboring communities -
consider that these residents, on the contrary, bring a beneficial
dynamic to our territory. We are concerned about the obstructions
currently being made to their regularization by these municipalities and
regret the tensions caused by the threats of legal proceedings and
expulsion. We wish to point out possible and beneficial solutions to
this exceptional situation, both for the municipalities and for the
targeted residents and farmers.

Renew dialogue and find solutions rather than re-emerging a climate of
The exceptional nature of what happened in the territory formerly
threatened by the airport, the lasting settlement of dozens of people at
a time when any demand license was impossible, now requires
rehabilitation. It requires taking into account the reality of this
territory rather than a policy of denial.
Town halls have perhaps not always been as well supported as they
wished, by the State or the Departmental Council, in the possible
restoration of the territory, its networks and buildings after the
abandonment of the project. 'airport. Despite everything, today it is up
to the elected officials of our municipalities as much as other local
authorities to take steps.
Recent public calls from mayors for the "liberation" or destruction of
habitats are therefore absolutely inappropriate.
No one in this territory should have the desire or interest in reliving
moments of tension and a police presence such as we experienced a few
years ago. The steps aimed at obtaining from the administrative court "a
judicial title for expulsion" renew a climate of unnecessary threats
when there are simple solutions, with a little good will, for a peaceful
We consider that the procedures of criminalization and media
stigmatization must stop.
Today we are pleading for the municipalities to agree to open up, with
the first parties concerned, to a constructive dialogue on the different
possibilities for regularizing housing and buildings in the former ZAD.
We ask that the Departmental Council, as owner, continues to work in
this direction by supporting the municipalities, so as to break deadlock
situations and become consistent with its agricultural, social and
environmental project."

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