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maandag 13 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GREECE THESALONIKI - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, Thesaloniki, APO: Rally against gender-based violence and femicide (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The femicides of Kyriaki Griva, by her former "companion" outside the AT
of Agios Anargyros and the 87-year-old woman who ended up after the
stabbings of her 80-year-old husband in the area of Harilaou are added
to a long list of murders of women, continuous incidents gender
violence. They come to be added to an ongoing condition of increasing
brutality, where women lose their lives at the hands of their abuser,
because the perpetrators are first nurtured and then armed and covered
by an entire system, that of the state, capitalism and patriarchy. A
system that in every aspect reproduces the oppression against women
every day and washes away the crimes committed against them.
Gender-based violence is systemic violence and as such is an integral
part of state and capitalist brutality. From the propaganda sharpened by
the system aimed at controlling the female body, against women's right
to abortion, the escalation of class exploitation, the exploitation of
women as reproductive machines, incarceration in concentration camps,
threats, rape and murders of refugees at Europe's land and water borders
- Fortress, the institutional cover-up of rapists, child rapists,
trafficking rings and femicides, sexist and fascist attacks on loacti+
people, sexual harassment and rape in police stations and roadblocks to
physical violence safety against female competitors. At the same time,
we see that while the mother of the 12-year-old girl from Colonos was
found not guilty at first instance, she is being prosecuted again after
an appeal by the prosecution, showing us the cynicism of the authorities
and their contempt for a decision that was made with the majority of the
jury. An appeal that constitutes a hostage for the mother, the
12-year-old and her siblings, vindicates the state police-judicial
apparatus in the face of the social outcry raised by the prosecutor's
proposal and the acquittal of the ring while aiming to drown out any
feeling that solidarity has won and that our struggles have the power to
overturn state designs.
The state repression we received on Wednesday 10/4 at the demonstration
in the center of Athens for the femicide of Kyriaki Griva outside the
A.T of Aghii Anargyroi does not surprise us, it angers us. It comes to
be added to a long list of police attacks, sexist and gender-based
violence by the security forces against women and men, as happened in
the demonstration of November 25, 2022 in Athens, in the demonstration
in Ilioupoli in solidarity with the E. against the policeman Bouyouko
who kept her incarcerated and released her, in the demonstrations of
solidarity with the 12-year-old from Kolonos and her mother against the
trafficking rings that operate under the full cover of the state
institutions and the police, which took place in the neighborhood but
also outside the prisons where the mother, at the demonstration for the
rape of a 19-year-old by DIAS cops at the Omonia police station.
Gender-based violence by security forces is an integral part of state
repression to subjugate those who struggle. From sexist attacks on
marches, with cops hitting protestors in a way that targets them for
being women, sexual harassment inside police stations and roadblocks,
body searches and stripping, sexist attacks on gay+ people, the
terrorist operation with threats of abuse in the neighborhoods, such as
in Exarchia with a typical example of the kidnapping and threat of rape
by the MAT to a protester inside the subway construction site in the square.
Against the hypocritical interest of the institutions in eliminating
gender-based violence and discrimination, stand the thousands of women
who break the silence, who deny the role of the victim, who stand in
solidarity next to each other, who build through their individual and
collective rebellion the prospect of a world of real equality and
freedom. As anarchists and as women, we organize and fight until the
world of patriarchy, the state and capitalism is overthrown. To build on
its ruins, the world of social equality, dignity, freedom and justice,
anarchy and libertarian communism.

Anti-Patriarchy Group | Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of

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