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maandag 13 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, Avtonom, [Palestine/Israel]: The Israeli group "Compass" carried out propaganda in support of the Palestinians and began to receive threats (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Israeli group "Compass" conducted a campaign in support of the

Palestinians, "Russia is not the only occupier." After him, threats and
accusations rained down on the group, and a lot of speculation arose. In
this regard, the Compass team released a statement. ---- Explanation of
the propaganda from the participants of Compass: ---- Although the main
reason for the recent wave of immigration from the post-Soviet space is
either direct Russian aggression or dictatorship and the threat of
repression, many newcomers choose to overlook the occupation and
genocide when it comes to the Palestinian people. Many such immigrants
even joined the ranks of the Israeli occupation army and are directly
involved in the crimes of the Israeli regime in Gaza and the West Bank.
We decided to remind you that not only Russia is an occupying state, and
that there is no "just" occupation and genocide. People have the right
to live in peace and dignity - both in Ukraine and in Palestine. No one
is free until everyone is free.

The term "apartheid" is translated from Afrikaans as "separation,

Apartheid is a regime of domination of one racial or ethnic group over
another through the implementation of a system of legalized segregation
and the deprivation of political and civil rights of part of the
population. Typically, such policies manifest themselves in the creation
of enclaves cut off from each other, as well as in restricting the
access of a discriminated group to certain territories on the basis of
their race or ethnicity. Apartheid is a crime against humanity according
to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

What does it look like?
The entire area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River is
under the control of the Israeli regime. It is home to 14 million
people: 7 million Jews and 7 million Palestinians. For Jewish citizens,
it is a single territorial entity (with the exception of the Gaza
Strip), regardless of whether they live within sovereign Israeli borders
or in settlements in the occupied West Bank. For Palestinians, the
territory under the Israeli regime is fragmented into separate legal
units and the question of residence is fundamental.

4 categories of Palestinians:
- Palestinians of East Jerusalem
- West Bank Palestinians
- Palestinians of the Gaza Strip
- Palestinian citizens of Israel

East Jerusalem Palestinians - After illegal annexation in 1967, local
residents received residency but not citizenship, and do not have the
right to vote in elections to the central government, the Knesset. They
are under constant threat of eviction and deprivation of residency, most
often for the lack of a "center of life" in Jerusalem: for example, due
to going abroad to study, or even to the West Bank. Population: 300
thousand people.

West Bank Palestinians live under Israeli military occupation and are
also unable to participate in elections to the Knesset, which controls
all aspects of their lives. The West Bank is fragmented into 165
enclaves, cut off from each other by Israeli illegal settlements, walls,
checkpoints and roads accessible only to settlers. The settlements
themselves are a closed military zone where Palestinians are prohibited
from entering without a pass. Entry into Israel is strictly permitted
with a pass. Population: 3 million.

Segregation in the West Bank is expressed in different ways:

Judicial arbitrariness-settlers and Palestinians in the West Bank are
subject to different jurisdictions. For the same violation, at the same
time and in the same place, a settler will be tried by an Israeli
civilian court, and a Palestinian by a military tribunal, which has a
100% conviction rate.

Administrative arrest is arrest without trial, charges or access to a
lawyer. It can be renewed every 6 months. Thousands of Palestinians were
detained this way; many lost their freedom for years. In custody they
are routinely subjected to torture.

Land expropriation - through various bureaucratic tricks, Israel managed
to expropriate more than 50% of all the land in the West Bank. Most
often, this is done by declaring Palestinian land as state land (26.7%
of the GB territory), by declaring the land as closed "fire zones" (18%)
and nature reserves (7%). Much of this land goes to the settlements and
their regional councils, which already have direct control over 42% of
all West Bank land.

In the Gaza Strip, Palestinians have been under blockade by Israel since
the Hamas coup in 2007. According to human rights organizations, the
strip is an open-air prison: exit is only possible with a special pass,
which is almost impossible to obtain. Israel controls Gaza's land
border, air and sea space, and vital resources. Thus, even after the
withdrawal of the army, Israel retains effective control over the
sector. Population: 2.3 million.

Palestinian citizens of Israel - of the 7 million Palestinians living in
one way or another under Israeli rule, only this group has the right to
vote in elections to the central government. However, in practice and in
law they are still subject to systemic discrimination. This is
manifested in the expropriation of their lands, restrictions on urban
development, the destruction of houses and "unrecognized" Bedouin
villages, the prevention of family reunification, as well as the legal
ban on living in some Jewish settlements. Population: 2 million.

Right of return
Jews and their descendants up to the 3rd generation have the right to
citizenship regardless of their place of birth and ancestral connection
with Israel. At the same time, Palestinian refugees born here and their
descendants do not have such a right.

"Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people"
- Benjamin Netanyahu, on the passage of the Nationality Law of 2018

Of the 14 million people in Israel, only 7 million Jewish citizens have
full civil rights. All Israeli repression is designed to reinforce the
superiority of one group over another: Jews over Palestinians.

Does this mean it will always be like this? No. After all, even the most
repressive regimes of the past, which previously seemed unshakable,
eventually collapsed. And therefore, this is not a reason for despair,
but a call to action and change.

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