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woensdag 19 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Australia, Melbourne, MACG, THE ANVIL #13-3: Pine Gap is a US War Base (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The so-called "joint defence facility" at Pine Gap, near Alice Springs,
is a US war base. It is an essential part of the US global war machine
and has played a crucial part in numerous US wars. It is currently
playing an important part in Israel's genocide in Gaza. ---- The Base
---- An agreement to establish a US military base at Pine Gap was made
in 1966 and operations began in 1970. Headed by a CIA officer, with
staff from that agency, the National Security Agency and the National
Reconnaissance Office, it has over 800 staff. It controls spy satellites
as they pass over one third of the world, including China, Korea,
Eastern Russia, and West Asia. Central Australia was chosen because it
was too remote for spy ships to intercept its signals from international

Pine Gap has a number of roles. They include monitoring other countries'
nuclear weapons activities, selecting targets for US nuclear weapons,
selecting targets for other US weapons wherever they choose to strike,
relaying warnings of enemy missiles, geolocating electronic signals from
devices like mobile phones and last, but not least, hoovering up vast
quantities of phone and Internet data on the off chance it might be
useful to Uncle Sam in some way.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Most of what has been done at Pine Gap is secret and likely won't be
known until the revolution, but some selected highlights have become
public. During the Vietnam War, Pine Gap was used for pinpointing
targets for the US bombing of Cambodia. When Iraq launched Scud missiles
at Israel during the Gulf War in 1991, Pine Gap relayed information to
the IDF. It has located targets for the criminal US drone wars in
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen & elsewhere. Currently, it is providing
communications and electronic intelligence to the IDF for use in Gaza.

While officially Pine Gap is a "joint facility", it's really US run from
top to bottom and Australian participation is just for show.

This isn't because Australia is some oppressed country under the heel of
the US - like maybe half the world is - but because the Australian
ruling class has no problems with the US making all the big calls at
Pine Gap. It's a US-dominated world order, but that suits Australian
imperialism just fine. Australia gets its own sphere of interest in the
South Pacific and Timor Leste, while the US erects a big "Keep Out" sign
to exclude Australia's rivals.


Australia is assisting Israel's Gaza genocide as part of its commitment
to the US-dominated world order.

By geolocating mobile phone signals, Pine Gap is providing real-time
intelligence to the IDF, which is used to assassinate presumed Hamas
members, or other targets, when they are at home with their families.

When the media announce the death of a journalist, doctor or alleged
Hamas member who died with their family when their home was bombed in
the middle of the night, the probability is that Pine Gap played a role
in the attack. It should be noted that it's not uncommon for the
ostensible target to have left the building by the time the bombers
arrive - but the family members die anyway.

As the MACG has previously argued, the unions in Australia should black
ban the export of war materiel, automobiles and oil and petroleum
products to Israel. These bans would hit the Israeli war machine hard,
especially given the essential role played by Australian companies in
manufacturing parts for the F35 fighter-bombers. Just as important
though, is stopping the contribution of Pine Gap to the genocide in
Gaza. For this, unions would need to black ban the supply of
electricity, water and communications services to the base. Depending on
the circumstances, deliveries of goods might also need to be banned.

The Political Struggle

When we advocate these measures, the MACG is not assuming that the union
officials will take them up enthusiastically. On the contrary, the
officials, whose loyalty is in most cases to the ALP rather than to
their members, will at best be lukewarm towards action on the job to
stop the Israeli war machine. Typically, they will be intensely hostile
to black bans.

To act effectively to stop the genocide, workers need to be organised on
the job and build a rank-and-file movement to impose their will on the
union officials. In the course of this process, the ALP's stranglehold
within our unions will need to be defeated. This will enable Australian
assistance to the Israeli war machine to be stopped, but it would also
be a major blow to US imperialism worldwide. The defeat of the ALP in
the unions would also enable the revival of militant unions to truly
fight for the interests of the working class across the board. The
rank-and-file movement could fight for wages and conditions, to defend
health and safety, to protect the environment and to stop racism,
sexism, homophobia and all other forms of oppression. No social problem
can be solved without working class action and all social problems can
be solved with it.




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