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donderdag 13 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - (en) Czech, Ostrava AF: The attack on Fico confirmed that propaganda by deed never worked (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

We bring you a brief reflection on the May assassination of Robert Fico.
---- The recent shooting of the Slovak prime minister recalled the era
of the end of the 19th century, when anarchists also used assassination
tactics against rulers. At the time, the movement believed that
assassinations of power figures could move society towards freedom. Many
anarchists assumed that individual terror against members of the ruling
class would inspire other underprivileged people to rise up in arms and
overthrow capitalism.
However, the opposite was usually true. It is enough to remember, for
example, the anarchist Luigi Luccheni, who killed Empress Sissi. The
public was outraged by this act and people showed a wave of solidarity
rather than passion for revolutionary ideas. The consequence of the
assassination was the definition of anarchism as a terrorist ideology
and the tightening of repression against the labor movement. The same
was the case with the attack on King Umberto or Czechoslovak Minister
Alois Rashín. Brutal repression followed, while society continued to
function under the rule of the state and capital in an unaltered form.

Although the shooter Juraj Cintula did not shoot in the desire for a
society without oppression, his action undoubtedly has completely
different consequences than he probably anticipated before the attack.
Perhaps he wanted to divert Slovakian politics away from Putin's
fascism, perhaps he wanted to remove a politician who himself probably
figured in ordering the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancee.
For now, however, it looks like the state will use the assassination to
further consolidate power. Fico will be replaced by a politician of a
similar, if not worse, style and everything will return to the old
track. It is necessary to attack the logic of the system, Fico was only
its product.

If we want a free society, we don't need politicians to shoot. Just stop
voting for them. Without our votes, they have no power.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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