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vrijdag 28 juni 2024

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Leaders approve von der Leyen, Kallas, Costa for EU top jobs

Leaders reached an agreement on the EU's trio of top jobs with Ursula von der Leyen as the next EU Commission president, ex-Portuguese prime minister António Costa as Council president, and Estonian prime minister Kaja Kallas as the EU's new foreign affairs chief.Read on »

Goodbye to 'Mr. No' - Veteran Dutch PM Rutte attends final summitEUOBSERVED

Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte attended his final European Council, before moving to his new job as Nato chief. Though Rutte departs as a respected powerbroker in EU politics, the so-called "grease-man" was not always so well-liked, nor so at ease on the European stage. Read on »

Focus on Russia, as Kallas in reach of EU top job

There was hard talk on Russia but nothing on Gaza from Estonian prime minister Kaja Kallas in Brussels on Thursday, as she waited to take over the EU's top diplomatic post. Read on »


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French broker compromise on defence spending as council shoots down eurobonds 

EU leaders discussed Europe's defence industry needs during the European Council on Thursday (27 June). French negotiators brokered a compromise with leaders quickly shutting down suggestions of common borrowing.Read on »

EU to sideline MEPs and rights with €1bn to Egypt

The EU is expected to sign off on €1bn in financial assistance to Egypt this weekend, despite the lack of firm commitments by Cairo to protest human rights.  Read on »

UN refugee agency endorses Von der Leyen's 'innovative strategies' on migration

The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) has endorsed "innovative strategies" on migration outlined in a letter sent by European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen to EU summit leaders.Read on »

Polluters put before people in EU's 'industrial deal'OPINION

The new EU strategic agenda for the next five years looks set to be disastrous for people and the environment. We need real political solutions to the cost of living and climate crises.Read on »

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