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vrijdag 14 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #349 - Ecology, "Ecological transition": Who works for green capitalism? (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Struggle ecology has often criticized the hypocrisy behind the

government's ecological transition and our pages have been associated
with it for a long time. However, even greenwashing requires work, and
behind government policies are workers whose working conditions can be
examined. ---- The environmental movement has succeeded after several
decades in imposing ecology in the public debate to the point that
governments are obliged to make efforts in terms of ecological policy.
These efforts come after numerous attacks on the public service:
logically, production relations are organized according to the
neoliberal model.

This condition is not unique to the public service. "Green capitalism"
is precisely the creation of new markets. These new markets, like those
of new technologies, are often the most subject to neoliberal logics
which hit workers hard. Recent budget cuts have highlighted dynamics in
the civil service, but this is not isolated. Indeed, subcontracting and
privatization have made the boundary between public and private
increasingly blurred. In the ecological transition sector, many
associations are fighting to obtain markets and financing. Likewise, the
new rules for research and development have created a very important
ecosystem of start-ups seeking to capture public funding to implement
their incredible disruptive solutions for tomorrow's future.

What all these workers have in common is job insecurity with short
contracts, often fixed-term project contracts, the pressure to seek
funding to fuel their own activity and, of course, exhaustion due to a
workload. work in constant growth. In the public service, the breakdown
in status has enabled the massive hiring of contract workers, which has
become the norm. The race for projects is also a direct consequence of
state policy: the policy of decentralization of skills has not been
associated with a decentralization of financial capacities. On the
contrary, the State preferred to put in place calls for projects which
force communities to chase funding to be able to invest. The first and
foremost affected are the workers whose precariousness affects their
work and their ability to carry it out properly in the long term.

Mobilize and fight collectively
The March 19 mobilization in the public service was an opportunity to
highlight budget cuts in the area of ecological transition. These cuts
affect resources but also jobs, whether in the public service or in its
subcontractors. We see here a new blatant contradiction of capitalism:
even when it tries to lead the ecological transition, the organization
it imposes makes the work produced ineffective despite a very high
professional conscience of the workers in this sector. Let us conclude
on the need for collective struggle. In these professions, we face
significant obstacles and the organization of our work has distanced us
from the traditions of struggle but also from each other.

However, we have on our side our professional conscience which must be
turned into a tool for criticizing the system and not for
self-exploitation. We must also get closer to existing structures which
provide important work, in the public service of course but also in
associations where union structures lead valuable struggles. A difficult
task will also be to go beyond subcontracting chains by discussing our
working conditions even if our structures are different. Finally, like
other workers before us, we will have to work towards a convergence of
our struggles with those of the ecological movement if we want to one
day realize the transformative potential of our work.

Corentin (UCL Kreiz-Breizh)

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