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zondag 30 juni 2024



The health disaster that the island of Mayotte has been facing for weeks
with the cholera epidemic finds its origin in the very brutality that
the French State and its "Mahorais" auxiliaries demonstrate towards the
poorest sections of the population. the population, "Comorian" or not,
literally harassed by a set of discriminatory measures and repressive
actions based on a logic established as a mode of government: that of
counter-insurgency, as it was used and implemented. still exerts to undo
anti-colonialist movements and social revolts wherever they manifest

By means of a perfectly assumed policy of systematic harassment,
punctuated by large-scale police and media operations (Shikandra in
2019, Wuambushu in 2023, Place net since April 2024), the procolonial
complex articulates the state apparatus, far-right , political class and
local militias, within a double enterprise of demolition/demoralization,
designed to undermine the material and existential bases of "foreigners"
(or not), designated as the primary cause of all "Mahorais" misfortunes.

In this context, the prefect of Mayotte, the Minister for Overseas
Affairs and Marine Le Pen compete in infamy over the fate they inflict
and reserve for the nationals of the three other islands of the
archipelago and more generally for " foreigners" from elsewhere.

The first, François-Xavier Bieuville, former foal of the crook LR
Patrick Balkany (who appointed him to succeed him - without follow-up -
in the National Assembly in 2017), has been in office since February
2024 and immediately threatens to a "shock of authority and security"
aimed at "doing Wuambushu all the time", a very Attalian phraseology
that Frédéric Sautron, sub-prefect "in charge of the fight against
illegal immigration", supports with regard to the implementation
implementation of a maritime "iron curtain" around Mayotte: "These are
several bricks to reinforce our rigidity"[sic].

The second, Marie Guévenoux, former parliamentary collaborator of the
post-fascist Alain Madelin and Minister Delegate for Overseas, thus
performs governmental neurosis (pleonasm): "In maritime terms, there are
nine interceptors, two speedboats, in terms of aviation is a civil
aircraft deployed at the moment, but also a military one, with as part
of Place Net, a seagoing vessel, the Champlain, which is located in the
Mozambique Channel... We also need to projects into the future with
technological means, radars, drones, cameras. This is what will allow
the establishment of what we call the maritime iron curtain" (Mayotte la
1ère, May 3, 2024).

On a show visit to the island on April 20 and 21, escorted in particular
by around sixty "mothers" from the Cavani Citizens' Collective[1], the
leader of the RN only has to deploy on the ground already conquered the
rhetoric of the great replacement ("By sending more and more illegal
immigrants... we want to push you to leave Mayotte. Then, they will
settle permanently in your place"), in the bellicose mode of diplomatic
aggression ("twist the arm of the Comoros[in order to]force them to take
back their nationals"), not without going one step further by the
suppression of land law in France (cf. "  Le sang, le sol, etc. ",
Oclibertaire, February 15 2024) and the creation of a "floating
detention center" ( Ouest-france.fr , April 20, 2024) - and why not a
prison under a bell at the bottom of the Indian Ocean?!... Note the
initial presence within the RN list for the 2024 Europeans of Saidali
Boina Hamissi, follower of genocidal rhetoric aimed at Comorian
residents of Mayotte whom he describes as "vermin" and "cockroaches",
undoubtedly in homage to the Rwandan Interahamwe of 1994 ... - He will
be discreetly ousted from the list by a Bardella in search of
respectability (52.42% in the European elections of June 9).

Last but not least, the chief purger of the Ministry of the Interior and
Overseas Territories declares regarding the expulsions of "Comorians" in
an "irregular" situation:

"It will be better at school, it will be better at the hospital, it will
be better for consuming water, it will be better for all public
services" (Mayotte la 1ère, June 25, 2023).

And in fact, the school system, health infrastructure, drinking water
supply network and administrations constitute all fronts of the same
war: the one waged against "Comorians" and "Africans" by "Mahorais"
politicians. ·es", jointly with the Collectives, Forces vives or Forces
du Peuple, all indigenous subcontractors of the Élysée gang which
competes with them on the populist market of the 101st French department.

School front.
Safina Soula, leader of the Collective of Citizens of Mayotte 2018 , has
been urging for years to combat "fraudulent registrations of children in
an irregular situation which constitute the main reason for the
saturation of schools"[2]. How? As early as 2003, "Mahoraises" burst
into the classes of two nursery schools in order to expel children
considered "foreigners"... to the village. Around ten establishments
have their gates padlocked; mayors are ordered to remove "Comorians"
from school registration lists, etc. In 2012, schools in the south of
the island were once again invaded by commandos of "Mahoraises" in order
to chase away students deemed "undocumented". In all cases, national
preference is clearly invoked: "We are French, we should have
priority[to register our children first]"[3]).

As for the deputies from Mayotte, they deliberately pretend to accuse
the French state of pursuing an education policy that they could more
openly describe as immigrationist as their fallacious argument is so
similar in every way to that of the far right . They thus exacerbate the
contradictions at work within an institution whose hypocritical
invitations to "success" are all the more disappointing for students in
an "irregular" situation because they very often result in a structural
impossibility to pursuing studies outside the department, a prelude to
the fatal despair of a precariousness experienced in the bitterness of
clandestinity. To the already unsustainable duplicity of schooling
without regularization, they oppose the prospect of pure and simple
discrimination in schooling.

LIOT MP Estelle Youssouffa thus considers the metropolitan teachers
assigned to Mayotte as being responsible for demagogic indoctrination
aimed at undocumented students from the Union of the Comoros: "They are
educated by the white knight on duty, the teacher who comes to do
humanitarian work with bonuses in Mayotte rather than doing it in
Africa; who gives him[the illegal student]great ideas by telling him
'you'll have your papers, you'll have your papers, you'll have your
papers'; he goes to the prefecture and there they tell him 'but no, in
fact, you don't meet the conditions'..."[4]. Here, the figure of the
White person is in some way inverted by the effect of an internal split
which clearly indicates the "system of embedded post-imperial
dominations" in force in Mayotte[5]: if it seems mobilized for the
relationship of socio-economic inequality that it embodies, in resonance
with the critical tradition of political anticolonialism, is to better
reaffirm the principle of procolonial preference that it would have the
stupidity - or perfidy - to betray, to the advantage of these
"Comorians" that "the gang" would reveal to be "wild beasts" (ibid.)...

In a column dated June 7, 2024, MP LR Mansour Kamardine opposes the
construction of new educational establishments, dedicated according to
him to "welcome ever more immigrant children": "The more we welcome
children in schools, the more their families come to drop them off on
our shores." For this obsessive great replacementist[6], "building more
schools[aims to]always welcome more Comorian children, so that within
ten years, our schools will be populated by more than 90% children of
foreign parents all coming from the same country and the same people:
the people of Anjouan[sic]" (mayottehebdo.com) - a Comorian island that
the "Mahorais" deputy knows well since he celebrated there her customary
grand wedding...

It is in this particularly deleterious context, against a backdrop of
teaching positions increasingly difficult to fill, that establishments
and school transport are frequently the target of poor young people, who
are lost in the aggression - socialization by " gangs" and helping
methamphetamine - of everything that embodies the school community of
which they are not or no longer a part, of all the mirroring symbols of
their exclusion and their misery(s): students, staff, buildings. In this
regard, let us be clear: if these "gangs" - according to the forked
tongue of all the budding prosecutors of commercial pacification -
function as the initiatory vector of a ritualized socialization through
appropriation (burglaries), antagonism ( stones, rivalries between
neighborhoods or villages) and belonging (internal violence within the
group: body markings, joking relationships), they also and above all
compensate for the dismantling that deprivation, repeated
dispossessions, homes dismembered by expulsions , inflict on the youth
of Mayotte, clandestine or not[7]; youth promised body and soul to the
repressive and retentionist regime, in short Republican, of destruction,
caught at the crossroads of security discourse and class hatred: 45% of
18-29 year olds are currently affected in Mayotte by psychological
disorders , particularly anxiety-depressives[8]

Housing and administration front.
The far-right incites it, the cops and Forces vives do it: they work in
unison in favor of a government program of progressive annihilation of
all the frameworks and means, however precarious they may be, by which
"Comorians" and "Africans" in so-called "irregular" situations - or not
- are trying to survive in Mayotte.

On the one hand, the continuation of "decaying" as part of Operation
Place Net (from April 19, 2024, several hundred destructions in the
Doujani 2 district) has been accompanied in recent months by the police
dismantling of a camp of African migrants near the Cavani stadium[9];
refugees, several hundred of whom are now wandering the streets of
Mamoudzou in search of a new makeshift shelter, exposed to the
vindictiveness of thugs subcontracted by some "collective of residents"
(burning of their personal belongings, razons, assaults in all kinds...).

On the other hand, groups of "Mahoraises" regularly block access to
public administrations from Wuambushu, in particular and especially to
the Immigration Office of the Prefecture, in order to hinder people
identified as "Comorians" or "foreigners". in the renewal of their
residence permit, exposing them all the more to the permanent sanction
of controls carried out in all directions by the police, and forcing
them into the weariness of clandestinity which keeps them outside the
domains of law and assistance.

Exhaust as much as possible the very reproduction of the conditions of
existence, in such a way as to dismantle the networks of sociability, to
hinder access to essential resources, to make foreign bodies vulnerable
to the anomie of bare life: to uproot to better clandestine, and vice
versa. This is finally the unacknowledged prospect of a front related to
that of housing: that of subsistence.

For more than a year, several joint operations of the Department, the
ONF and the DAAF (Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Forestry) in
conjunction with the Gendarmerie, have participated in an "agricultural
Wuambushu and forestry"[10]. From May 30 and 31, 2023, with the prefect
in the lead, 18 hectares of so-called wild crops are thus destroyed
within the Majimbi forest reserve. Each time, several pretexts are put
forward: deforestation, illegal marketing, use of harmful pesticides...
A string of nonsense! In truth, this repressive instrumentalization of
ecology seeks to undermine the material bases necessary for any form of
survival, or even resistance. This involves depriving of their
subsistence (banana, cassava, etc.) those whom police pressure from
raids and other sweeps have forced to retreat into the remote hills of
the island. Announced by Darmanin during his visit to Mayotte on June 24
and 25, 2023, a "second type of operation" has been deployed for several
months, in relation to illegal fishing: tracking, starving and reducing;
or how to harpoon "from the Comoros" under the guise of environmental
protection - "The kwassa-kwassa fishes little, it brings in Comorians"
(Macron, June 2017)...

Water front.
In June 2023, Darmanin intends to alleviate the effects of drought in
Mayotte, which is experiencing the most significant water restrictions
in its history. In addition to a demagogic freeze on water prices,
associated with a rationed distribution of bottles in hospitals and
schools, before it became a daily necessity for several tens of
thousands of people[11], the butcher de Sainte-Soline then mentions a
third hill reservoir (why not a megabasin?) as well as a desalination
plant for the end of 2024 (!?) - this potentially ecocidal project,
which would involve destruction of the mangrove in Ironi Bé, will not
would only aggravate the already well-advanced degradation of an
ecosystem conducive to limiting erosion and flooding, as well as
providing several marine species with a preferred site for their
reproduction. Above all, Darmanin takes great care to appeal to the
"citizen behavior" of each person, an injunction typical of a
guilt-inducing individualization of the causes and effects of water
shortage, capable of masking both the unsuitability of often dilapidated
infrastructures and the systemic roots of global warming[12]. With a
paternalistic nod of very colonial inspiration: "We respect the orders
of the Prefect.»[13]; while some of the most precarious are reduced to
consuming more or less brackish water from rivers, on an island where
typhoid is "50 times more severe than in mainland France, relative to
its population"[14]. As for running water (the supply of which is always
more than random), it very often turns out to be unfit for consumption,
due to an alarming proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, as evidenced by
a recurrent epidemic of gastroenteritis. in the island.

If several educational establishments are sometimes forced to close for
lack of drinking water to distribute to students, the wild speculation
on bottled water makes it even more inaccessible for a large part of the
population. Among them, people in an "irregular" situation, hit hard by
"discrimination", police raids, forced marginalization, health and
social insecurity, in a context where "it's a bit of a war to have
access to drinking water" (france24.com, September 16, 2023). Already in
2016, a major water supply crisis was blamed by a large part of the
Mahorese political class on overpopulation, supposedly caused by
Comorian immigration, leading at the time to the formation of several
village militias, s using to "decase" the "illegals". Even today, the
prefecture and militias exploit the water shortage against "foreigners".
If the cops do not hesitate to track down "undocumented" people near
drinking water points, thus transformed into ambushes, the situation
faced by African migrants testifies to this xenophobic connection
between immigration and water resources: " In recent days, these asylum
seekers and refugees have lost access to water. 'Before, it was
accessible a few meters away but now the tap ramp has been trashed. As
soon as we try to repair it, we are stopped because some people don't
want us to be here. People have to go to another fountain but they get
attacked there. It's a manhunt,' says Pascal, who himself was attacked
'by a group of young Mahorais, one night, near his camp.»[15].

As the WHO[16]points out , there is however "a close link between the
transmission of cholera and inadequate access to drinking water". In
this regard, the objective co-responsibility of the Prefecture and the
Collectives in the emergence and spread of the epidemic remains obvious,
from the simple fact of ultimately exposing the entire population to the
danger of a deadly epidemic by a dual regime of intentional negligence
(abandonment of dedicated infrastructure) and/or deliberate obstruction
(discriminatory access to the resource) likely to seriously endanger
public health.

Health front.
Continuous destruction of precarious housing, under the now more ironic
pretext than ever of its unsanitary conditions; dispersion of entire
families randomly across hills and streets in the absence of lasting
rehousing; increasingly massive exposure of people, and particularly
children, to the chronic violence of police harassment and
clandestinity; discriminatory access to a drinking water network as
scandalously deficient as sanitation infrastructure... In the more
general context of increasing impoverishment of entire sections of the
population, "foreign" or not, the current circulation of cholera in the
The island therefore reveals a terrain that is all the more morbid (in
the sense of coordinates favorable to the occurrence and circulation of
an epidemic) as health racism has been manifest for several months
against "Comorians" and "Africans" , hindered by the Collectives or by
the police[17]in their access to care structures, themselves already in
crisis[18], not unrelated to Wuambushu and Place Nette, as 170 members
of the staff of hospital health and liberals of Mayotte in the free
forum that they address from April 3, 2023 to the authorities in order
to express their premonitory concern about the disaster that the first
operation would not fail to produce[19].

In addition to an overload of dispensaries and maternity wards, already
attributed by pro-colonial propaganda to "Anjouanaises" who came to give
birth in Mayotte so that their offspring benefits from land rights (now
repealed since the Asylum & Immigration law of January 2024, in the
preamble to the future tightening of a "Mayotte" law currently in
preparation), it will not be surprising that cholera is now explained by
migratory flows from the Union of the Comoros (already a hundred deaths)
and the East Africa - to the detriment, of course, of social poverty and
climate change, which increases the intensity and frequency of floods,
cyclones and droughts (not without consequences on disrupted access to
drinking water) , particularly pronounced in Mayotte in recent years.

No matter, Safina Soula, Mansour Kamardine and Estelle Youssouffa do not
hesitate to conflate immigration and cholera. The first states about
African migrants: "We do not know their health history, perhaps they
bring diseases"[20]; as for MP LR, he states: "The risk of importation
is real given the daily arrival of kwassas transporting illegal
immigrants"[21]; MP LIOT finally insists: "We always have arrivals of
kwassa-kwassa who are also loaded with cholera patients who arrive from
the Comoros. And now there is a strain that has settled in Mayotte with
dozens of patients"[22].

The point that Public Health France publishes on May 15, 2024 offers a
much less fantasized image of reality: between March 18 - the period
when the epidemic emerged in Mayotte - and May 15, "85 cases of cholera
were reported in Mayotte", including "68 acquired locally and 17
imported from the Comoros or countries on the African continent". In
addition, the popular district of Koungou where a 3-year-old child died
on May 8, illustrates the extent to which the "clearing" operations and
other hunts for "illegal immigrants" which have particularly hit this
commune since Wuambushu, have not had the effect of further exposing it
to the epidemic, through the repeated dismantling of an urban
environment with already fragile infrastructure. As biologist Robert
Wallace recalled in 2020: "There are no pathogens independent of capital
at this stage"[23].

By dint of destruction, demonization, discrimination, the governmental,
reactionary and procolonial plague never ceases to attack the obsessive
support of its projected fantasies: Comorian, African - "barbarian"
(Mansour Kamardine , lefigaro.fr, April 28, 2023 ), and even "barbarians
in short pants" (E. Youssouffa, Sud Radio, January 24, 2024 ). However,
"many crusades ended in epidemics"[24].

Gamal Oya, June 15, 2024.

[1]pogromist militia whose African migrants are still the target in the
streets of Mamoudzou (following the destruction of their camp near the

[2]( lejournaldemayotte.yt, August 22, 2023 )

[3](cf. Laurent Decloitre, "The fires of hatred in Mayotte", Libération,
November 13, 2003

[4](CNews, February 13, 2024)

[5]Cf. the ethnographic survey carried out during the 2010s by Myriam
Hachimi Alaoui, Élise Lemercier & Élise Palomares, "Les une contre les
autres. Intersectional ethnography of the "women leaders" movement in
Mayotte", communication given as part of a symposium on black feminisms
in a French (post)colonial context at EHESS in March

[6]Mansour Kamardine: "The Mahorais are afraid... of losing their
culture replaced by the Anjouanese culture..., of seeing elected
officials who are undoubtedly French but in the vast majority come from
of immigration, that is to say this very population with which they have
refused to share the same destiny for more than two centuries...
(mayottehebdo.com, June 7, 2024).

[7](read again on this subject Rémi Carayol, "All undocumented
immigrants, all delinquents?", Kashkazi , 2007, n°67)

[8](see Castelliti & Witter, "Mayotte, an island in the midst of
depression", afriquexxi.info , June 19, 2023) - "a colonial pathology in
progress" according to Comorian cardiologist Anssoufouddine Mohamed (
africultures.com , May 6, 2023 ),

[9](cf. "Mayotte: an abjection" , Oclibertaire, February 8, 2024)

[10](Le Journal de Mayotte, June 2, 2023)

[11]In this regard, the humanitarian marketing of corporate philanthropy
is in full swing: the Ogeu group, owner of the Quézac brand, responds to
a call from Medef by sending 750,000 liters of water pumped in Lozère to
Mayotte (midilibre.fr, March 1, 2024)

[12]Note that a criminal investigation has been open since February 2024
in order to identify the chain of responsibilities at the origin of such
a dysfunction in the drinking water distribution service: State, local
authorities and Société Mahoraise des Eaux (subsidiary of the Vinci
group) are thus in the sights of Justice following the complaint filed
by around thirty users (lemonde.fr, February 27, 2024). Daughter of the
former departmentalist leader Younoussa Bamana and very recently in
favor of the RN option with a view to the legislative elections of
June-July 2024 ("only party that we have not yet tried" - Mayotte la
1ère, June 11, 2024), what action could Anchya Bamana have carried out
from 2017 to 2020 as president of the Water and Biodiversity Committee,
the body in charge of managing Mayotte's water resources?

[13](Mayotte the 1st, June 25, 2023)

[14](rfi.fr, August 8, 2023)

[15](infomigrants.net, June 7, 2024)

[16](lemonde.fr, May 9, 2024)

[17]On the one hand, intensification of identity checks around health
centers, arrests in medical settings, etc. On the other hand, blockades
of medical centers, the Jacaranda consultation and care center,
dissuasive occupation of the entrance square to the Mamoudzou Hospital
Center, at the initiative of "Mahorais" Collectives. An authentic health
apartheid, associated as far as CHM is concerned with reported cases of
triage based on the nationality of patients... Obstructions and
practices disapproved (more or less openly) by most health personnel (
politis.fr, May 23 2023 ), while the Prefecture would rather tend to put
them into perspective... However, these obstacles to care are only the
ostentatious manifestation of a much more insidious discrimination: in
addition to the fact that 45% of residents over 15 years old declare,
for example having had to give up care in 2019, Universal Health
Protection is not applied on the island. As for State Medical Aid, it
simply does not concern "undocumented" people in Mayotte.

[18]Shortage of caregivers, contract terminations, arrival
cancellations, etc. For example, the Emergency Department currently has
only five doctors for 37 positions, while only 3 psychiatrist positions
are filled out of the 11 planned at the Mayotte Hospital Center -
including only one child psychiatrist for the entire island. As for the
overall number of hospital beds available, it remains well below the
French average (barely 40%).

[19]As Anssoufouddine Mohamed rightly points out, commenting on The Odor
of Mayotte , a work published in 2022 by psychiatrist Patricia Janody:
"Hospital practice is dependent on ideology, daily violence and police
governance.» ( africultures.com, May 6, 2023

[20]Mayotte the 1st, January 19, 2024

[21]Mayotte the 1st, February 22, 2024

[22]europe1.fr, May 4, 2024

[23]acta.zone, March 13, 2020

[24]Cf. Germain Latour, Self-defense or the depths of fear , Le
Sycomore, 1983

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