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zondag 16 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL CA #340 - Fight against a lithium mine in Allier (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

This article was written at the beginning of February 2024, by a member
of Stopmines03, for the site livresdhenri.lautre.net and relayed on the
association's Facebook, following the announcement of 2 other sites of
the EMILI project (Exploitation of MIca Lithinifere by Imérys). The
collective having decided to participate in the CNDP (National
Commission for Public Debate). The interest of this article was to
highlight the contradictions of a so-called public debate, when the
decisions had already been made. In Moulins, on the first day of the
CNDP, the collective's speeches were oriented towards these questions,
fortified by the absence of answers from the Imérys company on all the
questions raised, while even the study of pre-feasibility has not
started. It was a public debate in a spaceless void, where the Imérys
experts were taken aback, under the benevolent eye of the media,
surprised by an opposition, which, according to the prefect, did not
exist in her department. (To find out more about the project see CA
n°326 of January 2023).

We discovered, for some on France 3 Auvergne Rhône Alpes and for others
through an article in La Montagne, the disclosure of the sites to
receive the trilogy of ecological disaster to come: the crushing plant
on the Echassières site in front of receive the underground mine,
pipelines over 15 km to the place called "La Fontchambert"   between
Saint-Bonnet-de-Rochefort and Naves, for the rail loading part; a
lithium refining plant in Saint Victor at a place called "La Loue". We
also learn that talks, on the sly, were held for months between the
project's acolytes - the prefect of Allier, the local elected officials
of the municipalities concerned and the operating company Imérys - while
the public inquiry is in progress. its beginnings (1).

You said "democracy", we still need to agree on the term. Is it the
election of our representatives who during their mandates will have free
rein in their decision-making? We do not think so! As the introduction
shows us, when decisions are made in the cozy lounges of ministries, as
my grandmother said, when it is done on the sly, there is a wolf! But
let's return to "democracy", the one that concerns us, the republican
one, you know the one resulting from the revolution of 1789, where the
good "people" rejected the monarchy by arms to replace it with a
mercantile bourgeoisie, cities and towns. campaigns. Where freedom and
equality coexisted with private property, as enshrined in the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. But how could these
good "people" acquiesce to this nonsense that is private property, they
who owned nothing? If only maybe one day he would have access to
something. But since then this bourgeoisie has gained confidence, with
the increase in its capital, where justice, the police and the army are
devoted to it and maintain this "democracy", or republican values.

Our representative "democracy" stems directly from the Revolution of
1789. The delegation of power is our disillusionment. Giving others the
keys to our future can only bring us setbacks. The glaring example of
agricultural discontent shows us that when farmers follow the directives
of the FNSEA/JA (National Federation of Agricultural Operators/Young
Farmers' Unions), they are treated with kindness by the State
representing the urban bourgeoisie. and the countryside, but when the CR
(Rural Coordination) has the presumption to want to stop the flow of
goods (and therefore profits) from Rungis, its activists end up in
police custody, or when the conf' (Peasant Confederation) pursues the
blockades, its activists were dislodged with gendarmes.

As for our dear elected officials, they make decisions in a loud voice
so as not to oblige their voters. For example, those of welcoming into
their municipality, a factory, a loading dock or a mine, which will
affect the environmental future for decades, and the kids will frolic in
lithium dust and other heavy metals. This is the case of "Montmins" in
"La Bosse" commune of Echassières which, after the exploitation of
tungsten, arsenic, lead, still pollutes the place today. So did you say
"democracy", the one where you vote and look the other way, or the one
which involves us making decisions together that will define the life we

The CNDP (National Commission for Public Debate), would be an
independent entity, as indicated on its website. It is therefore
surprising to learn through the press (2), during an interview with the
prefect of Allier in the newspaper La Montagne, that several public meetings

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