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zaterdag 29 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Die Platform: Rise of the right? Organize the resistance! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The European elections are over. As expected, the right and extreme
right have emerged stronger from these elections almost across the
entire continent. ---- In Germany, the AfD achieved its best nationwide
result ever, despite an immense wave of protests in the spring and
numerous scandals involving its top candidates, making it the second
strongest force for the first time. ---- The situation is particularly
dramatic in France. Here, the politically weakened President Macron
dissolved parliament and called new elections after the landslide
victory of the Rassemblement National (RN). RN frontman Jordan Bardella
could become the next extreme right-wing head of government after
Italy's Giorga Meloni and Hungary's Viktor Orban.

Liberal democracy does not protect against the right

Even if extreme right-wing forces here in Germany and elsewhere in
Europe are not yet on the verge of taking over government power,
Sunday's election results show more than clearly that liberal democracy,
contrary to what they and their supporters like to portray, offers no
protection against the right.

Through its policy of impoverishing the working class and its policy of
nationalist, racist, sexist and queer-phobic division, it is creating
the breeding ground for the rise of the right. With its elections, it is
hoisting the right into office and power, giving them the power to put
their plans into action.

The situation in Germany

There are still three such elections to come in Germany this year: the
state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg. The AfD has been
achieving high election results in these federal states for years and
the European elections have once again shown how deeply the party is
already anchored here: in almost all districts of the three federal
states (and in the rest of the eastern German federal states), the AfD
has become the strongest force. In parts of Saxony, it is already
approaching 40 percent.

Even if the liberal parties still claim today that they do not want to
form a coalition with the AfD, it is not unlikely that they will
eventually give in and put Höcke & Co. in government responsibility for
the first time.

Alternative for workers and young people?

What is particularly dramatic is that the AfD has been able to expand
its support nationwide, particularly among workers and young people.
After all, it is these population groups to whom the AfD cannot actually
make any real offers with its neoliberal and anti-ecological program. On
the contrary: its program is effectively directed against the interests
of workers and young people.

This shows how the divisions propagated from above and appropriated and
reproduced from below successfully blind relevant parts of our class and
prevent them from seeing their own interests.

Wrong answers

Shortly after the election, wrong answers to the renewed success of the
right can be heard from various sides. Left-liberals speak of a
strengthening of the "firewall" and an alliance of the
liberal-democratic parties against the AfD. The Left Party, which is on
the verge of falling into final insignificance, is calling for people to
fill out their membership applications. And the radical left is throwing
itself into the mobilization for a major action against the next AfD
party conference.

Organize the resistance from below...

It is of course absolutely right to protest against the AfD wherever it
meets. But individual demonstrations will not stop the right-wing. For
this we need an anti-fascist mass movement. This must consciously act
from the point of view of the interests of the working class - and thus
also be directed against the ruling system. It must be anchored in our
workplaces, neighborhoods, schools and universities. And it must be able
to confront the right-wing at all levels.

In the regions of Germany where the situation is becoming particularly
threatening, it will be important to support the existing forces of
resistance from outside as well.

...and build our alternative!

Wherever we confront the right-wing with resistance, we must always show
which alternative we are fighting for. Our perspective is not liberal
democracy, our perspective is the united struggle for the interests of
our class, the building of counter-power and the social revolution.

To build this alternative - in unions, community organizations, school
and university groups, feminist, anti-racist and ecological collectives,
we must win over our colleagues, neighbors, schoolmates and fellow students.

Stop the rise of the right!

Fight for the social revolution!


A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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