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maandag 24 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, AF - Beyond Resistance: A Revolutionary Manifesto for the New Millennium (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

From anarchism to Anarchist theory ---- "This pamphlet was written and
first published in 1997. It is remarkable how accurate the
comrades/equals' assessments were of the world condition that was taking
shape during that decade and the consequences it would have for the
oppressed and exploited of this world. . ---- The comrades' analysis
focused on three main axes: a) Appreciation of the reality and the
political situation that is taking shape (where we are) b) Development
of the rough features of the society we desire as anarchists (where we
want to go) and c) What methods of struggle and struggle (political and
organizational) do we choose (how will we manage to get there).
These are three points which we consider pivotal for any political space
that aims at the revolutionary change of society. We have been working
on the same points for the last few months, considering them the most
important for our intervention and the development - evolution of the
anarchist movement, especially in the current situation.

Translation-prologue: anarchist collective on the way

Read the brochure at the following link:

AF - Beyond Resistance. A revolutionary manifesto for the new millennium

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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