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zondag 16 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Reggiana, FA: 2 JUNE, REPUBLIC DAY WAR AND MILITARISM DAY (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


REGGIO EMILIA ---- Every 2 June the Italian republic celebrates itself
with military displays, parades and commemorations. Over the years this
festival has taken on an increasingly marked nationalist and militarist
connotation. The far-right government fuels the rhetoric of identity,
the "sacred" borders, the glorification of war, and as previous
governments have done, it will use the military ceremonies of June 2nd
to justify the enormous - and ever increasing - military expenditure,
the sending of weapons and Italy's direct involvement in military
missions throughout
the world, an ever-present representation of the imperialist and
neo-colonial attitude of the Italian state. The Italian republic is at
war: the Italian armed forces are directly involved in around forty
military missions, most of them in Africa to protect the extractive
interests of ENI and intercept migrants. Without forgetting the new
missions in the Red Sea, launched against the Houthis to ensure the
protection of commercial interests in the gas and oil field. The Italian
republic is at war: from the military bases of NATO and the United
States to Italian territory, from Friuli to Tuscany to Sicily, drones
that manage intelligence for the Ukrainian army take off every day.
The Italian republic is at war: the Janjaweed cutthroats, now Rapid
Support Force, who laid Darfur on fire and who are now engaged in a
ferocious civil war in Sudan, have been trained and financed by Italy in
an anti-migrant function .
The Italian Republic is at war: just a few steps from our homes the
weapons used in wars everywhere are produced and tested. Italian troops
use them on missions abroad, Italian industries sell them to countries
at war. These weapons have killed people, destroyed cities and villages,
irremediably poisoned entire territories. The Israeli army also uses
"Leonardo" brand targeting systems and weapon systems made in Italy.
Israel only wants quality products to massacre as many civilians as
The Italian republic is at war: the military is increasingly present on
the streets of many cities, managing public order and repressing any
social insurgency, silencing anyone who rebels. The police and military
functions are increasingly intertwined, and the distance between
internal war and external war is disappearing. Since 2020, the military
has been assigned police functions. Even in Reggio, the forces of the
most vulgar right and of the "centre-left" who no longer have an
identity who are chasing them want armed soldiers in our streets.
Neighborhoods, schools, universities, squares, workplaces: no social
sphere is now safe from the rising militarist tide. The wars being
fought in Ukraine and the Middle East have given a further dramatic boost
towards global rearmament with unpredictable outcomes, a push fueled by
the crazy words of Macron and Stoltenberg, who want to transform the
already enormous support provided to Ukraine into open war against
Russia. Another step towards the third world war, a step that the
Italian republic - despite the pitiful governmental distinctions - is
taking together with its proud allies.

Opposing war and militarism is increasingly urgent for all people of
We support those who oppose the war in Russia, Ukraine and the Middle East!
We contest militarist ceremonies, patriotic rhetoric, war and those who
arm it!


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Difesa_anarchica_reggiana <federazione_anarchica_reggiana@inventati.org>
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