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woensdag 12 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: Luigi Spera Free! A letter from prison - Luigi (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

We publish below - taken from the Antudo website - the letter that Luigi
Spera wrote from Alessandria prison. It seems like the best way to
update readers on his situation and, at the same time, to express all
our solidarity with his comrade. ---- 14/04/2024 ---- Hello everyone, I
am writing to you from the "San Michele" prison in Alessandria. I was
transferred by Pagliarelli to this facility on the morning of Friday 12
April. They brought me here because there is a specific high
surveillance section (S2) for prisoners accused or convicted of
subversive crimes.

It is a small prison and the section is also quite small in size, a
corridor with around ten cells in total and a few rooms for social
activities. There are seven of us in total, my six section mates are all
good guys with a long prison experience that exceeds forty years. They
welcomed me here too with great kindness and friendship.

Even though the prison administration has temporarily applied some
additional restrictions to those of the section regime (I spend hours of
exercise in isolation and in the section I remain locked in the cell
even when the others are socializing) everyone comes to visit me and we
chat through the cubicle gate. They also brought me books, magazines,
crockery and a camping stove, so I can pass the time by reading and cooking.

I followed with apprehension and interest (due to my professional
deformation) the terrible massacre of workers at the Suviana
hydroelectric power plant and the subsequent safety and recovery
operations for the missing which saw my work companions engaged in the
hours following the explosion and who, as always, demonstrated
commitment, professionalism and generosity.

A sensational event, but unfortunately not an isolated one. Seven deaths
killed in the workplace which are added to the sad and too long list of
victims of a war within our national borders, as are also the victims of
medical malpractice and the failure to secure territories for example.

I speak of "war" not by chance. The war fought with weapons and war
technologies (also produced in Italy) which claims thousands and
thousands of civilian victims all over the world and the war fought with
cuts and defunding which kills hundreds of workers and citizens on
Italian territory. On the one hand, in fact, the Italian government, in
continuity with previous ones, invests in the escalation of war,
financing the production of armaments to be sold to aggressor countries
and invoicing on the death of entire populations, on the other hand it
cuts back on welfare, health and safety on the work, producing deaths
even within its own territory. On the other hand, the well-being, health
and safety of the territories and workers do not generate surplus value.
A logic, that of capitalist states, which governs our lives according to
corporate dynamics in which social rights must disappear as budget costs.

But let's get back to us: it gave me great pleasure and filled me with
pride to hear you under the Palermo prison on the evening of Wednesday
10 April, see the fireworks and hear the choirs and the music. Even the
kids detained with me appreciated and were excited to see and hear this
testimony of solidarity coming from outside, so noisy and festive. Thank

We especially appreciated the musical contribution. Despite the
trendiest new influences, the great committed and timeless classics
(such as "Dint'a a sta cella") always remain at the top of the charts.

I am sure that the mobilizations in support of the resistance of the
Palestinian people are also continuing and I hope there is also a
crescendo of participation. Here, despite the almost total silence of
mainstream information on the subject, some news on the mobilizations is
starting to arrive, piercing the curtain of censorship. I have seen on
the news and read in the newspapers about the initiatives organized in
various universities and the punctual truncheon policy they received as
a response, in addition to the defamatory accusations of anti-Semitism.
But as we know well, being described by the counterpart com

and monsters is already a good sign that you are following the right
path and that your work is starting to have a certain effectiveness.

I send a big hug to everyone, write to me and update me.

See you soon,

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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