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woensdag 12 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN CATALONIA - news journal UPDATE - en) Catalunia, EMBAT: Economic analysis of Catalonia 2024 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

It is the function of political organizations to design processes and
make proposals so that our society has the possibility to move forward
in the best possible way, while building an economy based on mutual
support and solidarity. That is why Embat, the Freedom Organization of
Catalonia, wanted to present an analysis of the current economy of the
Principality (spring 2024). ---- Most of the data is used to have a
context of where we are at present. But this picture would be incomplete
if we only stayed in macroeconomic data and did not bring them down to
the complex international situation we live in. The different crises we
are suffering (ecological, environmental, species extinction, European
economic, neoliberal model, political, etc.) feed back on each other and
paint a gloomy picture.

Embat does not work at an institutional level, so the proposals we make
are indicative, in terms of what should be done. These are proposals
that must be carried out in a union key and also in an
economic-productive key.

May everyone's abilities be put to the service of society!
Document[PDF]: Analisi_economica_de Catalunya_2024


Embat, the Libertarian Organization of Catalonia, has carried out an
analysis of the current economy of the Principality First of all, what
you will see will be a lot of generic data Most of the data is used to
have a context of where we are at the moment But this photograph it
would be incomplete if we only stay in macroeconomic data and do not
bring them down to the complex international situation we are living

The different crises we are suffering (ecological, environmental,
species extinction, European economy, neoliberal model, political, etc.)
feed back on each other and paint a gloomy picture. It is the function
of political organizations design processes and make proposals so that
our society has the possibility to move forward in the best possible
way, while building an economy based on mutual support and solidarity.
And now what?

As we see there is no trace of the crises mentioned at the beginning of
this document At the macroeconomic level it seems that they do not exist
and that life continues without news However, everyone saw that there is
a serious crisis around the climate It would be naive to think that the
climate will never affect us economically or that natural resources are
infinite, not even because of the loss of harvests or the reduction of
effective working hours in the summer seasons or why tourists will not
come in droves if very hot or if plane tickets have become more
expensive due to the increase in fuel or if there are popular revolts
due to the increase in housing or food prices...

The Catalan political class has not yet accepted the existence of a
serious problem surrounding these issues. In the Catalan elections of
May 12, some parties only talked about making new macro-projects and
promoting tourism, at a time when which the Barcelona population can no
longer do. In other words, the economy is Business As Usual. At no time
is the neoliberal model of resource exploitation or environmental
degradation questioned. If the Olympic Games have fallen, it is not
because the political parties have reached an ecological discourse, but
for the realization that by 2030 there will be no snow But nothing to
comment on the fact that there is no snow! They take it for granted, and
that nothing can be done about it

We are facing a cognitive dissonance, according to which all the signs
indicate an imminent danger but the political class thinks of infinite
growth and continues as if nothing is happening. This political class
only sees the optimistic information that persists at the international
level. This information speaks of growth unprecedented in Asia, Africa,
the Americas, etc. Europe is in a relevant crisis, but the culprit of
the crisis is the war in Ukraine and the geopolitical component

It is true that there is a geopolitical component around the spirits

Europeans, often pessimistic There is also an overly optimistic
component around Asian and African moods Just look at their social
networks The spectacular development of the productive forces of those
countries, which has taken place in recent years have given them the
impression that the future will be bright with ultra-liberal capitalism

We are not optimistic We know that the crisis is already underway and
according to which territories are suffering more than others A priori,
Catalonia will have to suffer more droughts and an increase in
temperatures This if the AMOC current is not paralyzed and changes the
general climatology of Europe The challenge before us is huge We need
society to take it seriously and for trade unions and social
organizations to start working on the issue of the transition to a
different world

We know it's a difficult task The easiest thing is to bet on green
capitalism and cross our fingers Mobilization for the sake of
mobilization is also a common way out, that is, because "something has
to be done", but we don't really know what to do with it

The basic proposal is that trade unionism and the social and solidarity
economy assume central roles in the economic planning of the era of
degrowth. To do it well, obviously, we will need these entities to be in
tune with the problem and the solutions , which will inevitably affect
us all

Since Embat does not work at an institutional level, the proposals we
make in that area will be of an indicative nature, in terms of what
should be done.

May everyone's abilities be put to the service of society!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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