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woensdag 10 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #350 - Paris 2024 Olympic Games: After the major constructions: the major expulsions (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Already marked by a particularly racist and violent anti-migrant policy,
France is innovating with the approach to the Olympics. For months, the
objective has been clear: empty Paris of its undocumented and homeless
people, whatever the cost, by forcibly expelling them into overwhelmed
"regional airlocks", created from scratch without budget or
infrastructure. . The opportunity also to return to the deplorable
reception of exiles in the "country of human rights". ---- During each
Olympic Games over the last ten years, homeless people, or other
populations deemed undesirable, have been chased from their living
spaces. This was for example the case in Rio where major repression
operations took place to evict tens of thousands of favela residents.

The "zero attachment point" policy
In France, for several years, particularly since the end of the "great
jungle" of Calais, exiled people have been victims of a new policy that
is even more repressive than before: the "zero point of fixation"
policy. Evictions occur daily and most of the time without any shelter
solution. The state, contrary to what it claims, does not show any
humanity, but rather a cruel firmness with these women, these men, but
also, we forget, these numerous children sometimes alone, sometimes with
family. The goal is not to welcome but to dissuade using the sidewalk:
the street is the first cold welcome reserved for people who have come
to ask for asylum in France.

With the regional orientation policy and very strict reception
conditions for asylum seekers, exiled people were already monitored,
placed under house arrest in a region that they did not choose. In
Île-de-France, camps have multiplied in recent years, because of the
vile Dublin 3 regulation which sometimes makes people wait more than a
year on the streets, for fear of being sent back to countries of origin.
Europe where they are exposed to treatment of unspeakable cruelty. And
where as luck would have it, the far right is in power (Bulgaria,

"Clean up" Paris for the Olympics
All this was before the 2024 Olympics: from now on Paris must be
"clean", the many homeless people must disappear to make way for the
(very) rich tourists who came to watch the Games, of which half of the
Ile-de-France residents did not attend. nothing to do. A new, even more
perverse system of expulsion is therefore put in place: forced
orientation towards regional airlocks, new reception centers created to
accommodate people evacuated from the Paris region. These centers will
be continued after the Olympic Games to "decongest the Île-de-France",
the Paris town hall even sees them "as an achievement of the Olympic
Games. ".

Also new, they are no longer just about directing foreign people:
homeless people of French nationality are also forcibly displaced. This
is what happened in Orléans where Mayor LR declared in April during a
television interview that "Orléans is not intended to host the 'crack
hill' of Paris", following the he arrival of more than 500 homeless
Parisians in recent months. Today it is no longer a question of being in
a situation of migration to be expelled to another region, the fact of
being poor is enough.

In the "regional airlocks", merciless sorting
 From now on, no accommodation will be offered to people in
Île-de-France. Buses therefore leave for these centers where situations
are mercilessly sorted: people with a residence permit who are
unemployed are directed to number 115 in towns already saturated by
requests for accommodation; undocumented people are only offered
accommodation if they agree to return to their countries of origin
(which shows that magic money sometimes exists).

Finally, asylum seekers are sometimes sent to accommodation, sometimes
to the street, depending on whether or not they are beneficiaries of the
famous "CMA" (Material reception conditions). A sort of contract for all
people seeking asylum including accommodation that people will not
choose (in a region that they will no longer be able to leave) as well
as an allowance delivered through a card called an applicant allowance
card asylum system, which for several years has no longer allowed access
to cash: people should definitely not send money to their country, nor
buy trivial things with their allowances...

Make homeless people disappear from Paris
This change in system was denounced by numerous mobilizations, without
success. Failure to comply with accommodation regulations may also
terminate the accommodation as well as the allowance. People then lose
all of their assistance and will still be able to apply for asylum, but
while on the street, therefore less well prepared for interviews, with
more health problems...

This is how many people find themselves woken up in the early morning by
the police, board buses sometimes without knowing the destination and
find themselves in unfamiliar cities. They are sometimes put back on the
street as soon as they arrive, or sometimes two days after entering the
airlock. These airlock places are not new places "created" expressly to
accommodate new people: due to lack of budget, families are sometimes
expelled from their emergency accommodation, as was the case in Rennes,
in order to be able to move there at any time. price of people arriving
from Parisian camps.

Today, according to Médecin du Monde, only 60% of displaced people leave
the regional airlocks without accommodation, which clearly proves the
incapacity of the State to want to find solutions. The unstated goal
being the disappearance of the homeless during the Olympics. The 115 in
these towns is still saturated, camps are re-forming there. This is the
case in Strasbourg where many people arrive, only to end up sleeping on
the street again or sometimes returning to Île-de-France.

No to expulsions in Strasbourg and Paris! Papers and accommodation for all!

Thomas (UCL Alsace)

Dublin 3: the moat of Fortress Europe
Third of the name, the Dublin 3 regulation is the result of negotiations
between the different countries of the EU and the Schengen area. It
stipulates that in the absence of exceptions, the country responsible
for the asylum application is the first Member State where the
fingerprints taken when registering the application are kept. It is
therefore a question of strengthening Fortress Europe by outsourcing
asylum requests to countries of entry, such as Bulgaria, Croatia or
Italy. This system sometimes leads people to wander for years in Europe
in order to obtain protection, it lengthens procedures and contributes
to the formation of slums in Calais as well as Île-de-France where
people prefer to wait in the street rather than returning to closed
centers (de facto prisons). Refusing a transfer can lead to placement in
an administrative detention center (CRA) from where exiles are forcibly

Certain countries of entry are particularly notable for the ignominy and
cruelty towards refugees, such as Bulgaria where migrants are sometimes
arbitrarily detained in closed centers for the simple fact of having
wanted to leave the country. country. A disproportionate use of force as
well as torture was noted there by the UN Committee against Torture
after its visit. The pro-Russian government is fiercely opposed to
immigration. Certain nationalities are particularly discriminated
against, such as Afghans, Iraqis and Bengali people, with asylum refusal
rates reaching 98.5% for Afghans and almost 100% for Bengali people. .

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