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donderdag 11 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL' press release Faced with the reactionary wave (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The situation is serious. This impromptu legislative campaign confirmed

the fascist RN as the new center of gravity of the French right. If he
comes to power, it will be necessary to oppose a social, anti-racist and
class front. But for now, the New Popular Front appears to us to be the
only force capable of resisting the RN at the polls. This is why,
"without illusion or scruples", we will vote NFP to block the RN's
access to Matignon. ---- The dissolution of the National Assembly, a
desperate poker move by a president at the end of his tether, caused an
acceleration in the recomposition of the French right. The masks are
falling, and it's not a pretty sight.

The Lepenized Macronia
The panicked Macronie, feeling the ground slipping away from under her
feet, continued to return "the extremes" back to back. Its president is
no longer content to copy the themes of the RN. He even used the
language, for example by describing the New Popular Front (NFP) as
"immigrationist", whose economic program is also "four times worse" than
that of the RN, and by playing on reactionary moral panics. on
immigration and trans people. Macron waited until the day after the
first round to concede half-heartedly that the RN was more dangerous
than the NFP.

Hitting on scapegoats
As for the Gaullists (LR), they seem destined to become a simple
supporting party. The support of the RN, after having been the support
of Macronie. We bet that Éric Ciotti, through his sudden allegiance to
Marine Le Pen, will only have outstripped the other leaders of a party
that has long been committed to the extreme right.

The political recomposition between the right-wing parties (Renaissance
and LR) and the extreme right (RN and Reconquête) will continue at a
forced pace, around a common denominator: to hide the relationship of
their disastrous economic and social policies, these parties will beat
up on scapegoats (LGBTI people, Muslims, blacks, Arabs, green activists,
"ultra-left", etc.) accused of all evils.

Faced with this reactionary convergence, we reaffirm that the
fundamental and long-term alternative is the social movement, collective
struggles to defend our class interests. Fighting together the
antisocial policies of the future government, whoever it may be, will be
the best lever to detach entire sections of the population from the
influence of the RN.

The NFP, "far left"?
But in the immediate future, the bulwark of circumstance is the New
Popular Front.

To discredit him, Macronie and the RN worked hard to accuse him of
anti-Semitism and classify him as "extreme left".

In the first case, it is sickening hypocrisy. Yes, we sometimes find
speeches at the NFP minimizing ambient anti-Semitism, and we must not
give in on this point. But in this case, it is above all a question, for
the Renaissance/LR/RN camp, of criminalizing the support of part of the
NFP for Palestine.

In the second case, qualifying the NFP as "extreme left" is either
stupidity or a joke, as its program is timidly reformist: essentially
the protection of public freedoms, tax adjustments, promises to stop the
destruction. social (pensions, unemployment insurance)... but no
structural reforms, no strategic nationalization for example (neither in
transport, nor in energy, nor in chemicals-pharmacy...). The capitalists
can sleep peacefully, they have nothing to fear from the "green rule"
promised by the NFP.

It is a program of "anti-fascist union" like that of its predecessor in
1936. We do not expect more from it, to tell the truth. As in 1936 (with
the general strike and the factory occupations), the real social
conquests will be made without him, even in spite of him. But for now,
we are calling on our entire social camp to vote for the NFP where it is
present in the 2nd round, to prevent the RN from gaining access to Matignon.

Libertarian Communist Union, July 1, 2024

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