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dinsdag 2 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL CA #341 - Editorial: The Macrons dare everything, that's even how we know them (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Why put Macron in the plural? Just one is already too many, we are not
going to breed them... ---- By "The Macrons" we mean these parasites who
rot everything they touch and make our lives impossible; The Al-Sissi,
Biden, El-Assad, Erdogan, Jinping, Kadyrov, Meloni, Modi, Netanyahu,
Orban, Putin, Trump, Six (Mohamed) etc... This little banker is not the
target of this editorial for what it is but for what it represents and
which we will never stop fighting: Capitalism in all that it drains of
lies, contempt, obscenity, injustice, violence and death ( s). This
insignificant conductor who gives himself the air of Napoleon III is
neither the first nor the last to occupy the position of zealous valet
of capitalism and the owners. Like the others, he will end up in the
sewers of history... Although...

If it is true that with each new president we say to ourselves that we
have reached rock bottom, this one, we could attribute to him the palm
of the sewers because he always finds himself digging deeper the well of
Since it will have escaped no one's notice that we are in the Olympic
Games period, the OCL Paris Region Group would offer to create a medal
just for it. The medal for the destruction of... In fact, for the
destruction of everything!

In his attacks against the unemployed, private and public workers,
people from immigrant backgrounds, those who fight for more justice and
rights or against large, useless projects, etc., he goes "more faster,
higher, stronger." The Olympics and their world may make us vomit, but
we will allow ourselves to remember that this motto ends with "Together".
For him and his government, "Together" is like "liberty, equality,
fraternity": Vague concepts to mystify the masses.
For him and his government, this means: Bourgeois, bosses, FNSEA,
lobbies, governors, cops, army, possibly curetons and - as in Kanaky -
militias, together to fuck us in the face.

We spoke above of Napoleon III but the methods used over and over again
by this government are more like those of Thiers:

Are employees fighting for their rights? Come on! We gas, we beat, we
mutilate, we arrest and we imprison.
Yellow vests express their disgust with the owners and their lackeys? We
gas, we beat, we mutilate, we arrest, we imprison, and sometimes WE KILL!
Are the suburbs raising their heads after one of the numerous
assassinations committed by police or gendarmes? We gas, we beat, we
mutilate, we arrest, we imprison and sometimes we take the opportunity
to expel.
Struggles against useless projects? Same.
Peasants making a mess? Oh well no... We don't beat up anymore (except
at Conf'). Mr Darmanin "refuses to send CRS on people who are working".
Like, those mentioned above don't work there who are repressed by a
military and judicial arsenal which reached heights during the Macron
era. These characters who believe they can teach us about life with a
joke should, at least once in their lives, get off on the metro or RER
at 5:30 a.m. in working-class neighborhoods (not in the 16th). They
would notice that transport is already armored (even outside the Olympic
period). Full of these invisible people who do not drive tractors
costing several tens of thousands of euros but are nevertheless
essential... Which does not prevent them from being attacked by numerous
racist laws and no less racist cops responsible for applying them. What
an idea also to not be the right color!

And then, even if we don't work, we still have the right to dignity.
After all, if this government absolutely wants to kill the idle, let the
guns go to the upscale neighborhoods to beat up the real parasites: The
rentiers who live off the work of others.

To return to our Thiers in the making, if it crushes everything in its
path, it is perhaps not only for the pleasure of destroying the
proletariat or of suffocating us under the big smelly ass of capitalism
for which it is perfectly suited. job. There is certainly also the whim
of a spoiled child who wants to leave his little mark: Like Chirac who
demanded that his bomb go off, he is relaunching civil and military
nuclear power. Like George W. Bush who wanted to fight like his dad,
Macron talks to us about war every chance he gets, even if it means
implying that a conflict against Russia would not be ruled out.

Could it be to imitate Chirac again that he is now attacking the Kanak
people? Unless, on this one, his reference is Netanyahu. From a
government which unreservedly supports the racist and reactionary
policies of the State of Israel, we can only fear a new massacre like
that of Ouvéa in 1988, in the middle of an electoral period (wait!).
Absolutely no one - even on the right - doubts that the "thaw of the
electorate" for the benefit of the settlers was intended to inflame
Kanaky. But "the idiots dare everything. That's even how we recognize
them." Alas, the repressive forces and militias who attack the Kanaks
rightly fighting for their rights are closer to the Tontons Macoutes of
sinister memory than to the thundering Tontons Flingueurs of Lautner.
The Macron method is now well established: We swing a match to set
things on fire then... We gas, we beat, we mutilate, we arrest, we
imprison, and sometimes WE KILL! As of May 24, 2024, there were already
7 deaths, including 2 gendarmes (one of them killed by an accidental
shot from one of his colleagues while handling a weapon).

No, Mr. Darmanin, the Kanak rioters are neither "thugs" nor "mafiosi".
They are fighting for their survival! Your government, which has
pantheonized Missak Manouchian, whom your political ancestors called a
terrorist, would be well advised to remember that every colonized people
has the right to fight to free themselves from the yoke of their
oppressor. By using their names for dirty political purposes, you have
insulted the memory of the FTP-MOI. They would probably spit in your face.

No Mr Macron, the terrorists are you and your acolytes! You who
terrorize the population of the country you claim to serve and the
people you colonize with your hunts for the poor, your over-equipped
cops, your armored vehicles, your GIGN, RAID and other racist Caldoche
auxiliaries. As one of your vacuum cleaning freak minions said: "We are
not in the same camp".

Without any hesitation, we choose the camp of the weakest, of the
excluded, of the exploited, of the colonized, of those who fight against
all forms of oppression. You will have understood, today as yesterday,
we support the struggle of the Kanak people like those of all the
peoples colonized by France and of course the struggles led by the
Palestinian, Kurdish, Uighur, Amerindian peoples...

Paris region, 05/24/2024

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