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maandag 15 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #350 - Anti-fascism, Brittany: The extreme right will not pass! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On April 21, there were 2000 of us in the streets of Saint-Brieuc to

show our firm intention to leave no room for the pestilential ideas of
the extreme right. At a time when self-proclaimed racist is no longer
really a shame, the construction of a united anti-fascist front appears
to us to be a vital emergency. ---- The call for mobilization was
launched by Common Front 22, and relayed and signed by more than 80
political and trade union organizations, but also associations, grocery
stores, places of solidarity and culture. It followed specific attacks
which have taken place in recent months in the region: vandalization and
attempted burning of the mosques of Guingamp and Morlaix, threats and
intimidation of elected officials, activists and journalists in the
framework of the Horizon project concerning the reception of refugees in

Far from a folkloric image, and very often problematic of a certain
anti-fascism, it was therefore an open demonstration, carried widely and
reachable by the greatest number of people which took place in
Saint-Brieuc. It is this type of support that allows anti-fascism to
spread in discussions on markets, in cafes and shops; which allows
families to come and demonstrate with strollers, grandmothers to carry
banners and shout their determination to leave no ground for nauseating
ideas. In this sense, this event was a great success: the city had not
seen so many people marching for a long time.

Fascism is a mortal danger for everyone: we must fight it together. In
this sense, we were able to show the few fascist groups who tagged,
distributed leaflets and attacked our comrades and their premises that
there are thousands of us to respond to them, that Brittany is not a
welcoming land for them.

The numerous photos of Marine Le Pen in the company of her cats which
have circulated in the media do not fool anyone, the normalization
strategy of the National Rally (RN) will never make its program cute. It
is fundamental to remember that behind the media front opened by the RN
advances a galaxy of fascist action groups, supporting an ideological
base of a party that is always racist and xenophobic.

A dynamic procession and a festive atmosphere
 From UCL, 60 activists came from all the major cities in the west to
show the importance we attach to this struggle. This gathering allowed
us to meet again and deepen the construction of the coordination of
local groups in the West region: this allows us to increase our impact
and our relevance in the different areas.

Without letting this success decline, we must continue to forge links
and concrete common work between all the components of anti-fascism. If
in Brittany this type of coordination manages to persist and prove its
relevance, we can hope that it will resonate elsewhere.

This day of mobilization breathes a wind of hope for us: at a time when
far-right ideas are spreading, when hate speech is becoming more and
more extreme and assumed, when a coordinated transphobic attack is
taking place , the anti-fascist struggle is also progressing and
strengthening! Fascism is gangrene; we eliminate it, or we die!

Lou and Malo (UCL Rennes), Hugues and Déborah (UCL Fougères)

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