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donderdag 11 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Lamouette Enragee: La Mouette Enragé publishes: Before going around the world, Take a tour of the workshop... (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Worker survey - Testimonies - Reflections 2017-2023 ---- Published by
Éditions Acratie, this 284-page book is the restitution of several years
of a workers' investigation carried out on the Côte d'Opale, the Lille
region, Brittany and many other places...
To obtain the book from the publisher:
Editions Acratie: https://editionsacratie.com
To get it in Boulogne-sur-mer:
- L'Horizon bookstore: 6 boulevard de Clocheville
- Le Petit Cargo: 32 Place de la Résistance
- Fnac: 65-67 rue Faidherbe
Or, order it from our address: La Mouette Enragée BP 403, 62206
Boulogne-sur-mer cedex. Check for 15 euros, postage included, payable to
La Mouette Enragée.

- And everywhere else from your bookseller...

Before touring the world, take a tour of the workshop...
Worker survey - Testimonies - Reflections

To tell the truth, this is a maxim which still teaches us the real
causes of our defeats; as much as it questions us about the resources
that we must mobilize in order to reverse the balance of power in our favor.

Those who still hold the struggle between classes as one of the
essential keys to understanding today's world know how exploited labor
remains the major issue in this confrontation.

And if the question arises at the heart of the media spectacle at the
height of mass mobilizations, it is in the anonymity of daily
exploitation that we must look for the thousand and one small gestures
of individual and collective resistance which forge the alloy of
struggles that go beyond them.

It is therefore by exhuming and re-appropriating in our own way this old
tool of the historical class movement, the workers' investigation, that
we set out to encounter a world supposedly disappeared according to
some, but nevertheless very much alive: the working class today.

Strangers to all theoretical sophistication as well as to the canons of
specialized and scientific research, it is exclusively as members of
this working class that we addressed ours: workers in industrial
production and services, logistics, care...

This modest experiment, carried out collectively in a few selected
places, allowed us to shed light on a fragmentary reality that is too
often silenced and ignored. It now demands to be continued and enriched
by others than us and in other places.

In summary
As a foreword

Chapter 1: The workers' investigation

1.1 What remains of the Workers' Survey?
1.2. The workers' survey... the class!
1.3. The investigation, the company and political centrality
1.4. Why conduct the investigation today?
Notes chapter 1

Chapter 2. The medical sector - The health cash drawers

2.1. Strike in nursing homes, it's about time! - Story of a collective
experience lived in Boulogne-sur-mer.
2.2. The strike again - "The State turns a deaf ear, it doesn't matter,
we will put on a strong face"
2.3. When an epidemic crisis serves as a revealer - Daily life in an
EHPAD during confinement
2.4. Fight in private health establishments
2.5. A look at the midwives' strike that began in June 2021
2.6. Mechanical bandage or the tribulations of an ambulance driver
2.7. In the blind spot of the investigation or the return of the ambulance
Notes chapter 2

Chapter 3: Uberization or the return of old work to the task

3.1. Towards the Uber stage of capitalism?
3.2.Reflections on the strike of Uber Eats delivery drivers in
Notes chapter 3

Chapter 4: Logistics

4.1. As an introduction
4.2. Three examples of logistics companies: Amazon, la Redoute and
4.3. Working for Vertbaudet
4.4. Working for La Redoute
4.5. Working for Amazon
4.6. And delivery in all this?
4. 7. The fight at La Redoute against Pinault in 2014
4.8. The fight against Vertbaudet in 2023
4. 9. Logistics, the new standard of capitalism?
Notes chapter 4

Chapter 5: Call centers

5. 1. The call center, paragon of the liberal counter-offensive
Box: Robotization of call centers
5.2. Call center employees speak out
Notes chapter 5

Chapter 6: Managerial influence

6.1. Management: an ideological imposture with scientific pretensions
6.2. The eugenic strain of neoliberal management
Notes Chapter 6

Chapter 7: Agri-food production

7.1. From Douarnenez to Boulogne-sur-mer, in the food industry factories
7.2. Sardinières in Douarnenez, from decades to decades exploitation
7.3. On the chains of a Breton agri-food cooperative
7.4. Working at Capécure...
7.5. At the heart of an SME in the Capécure area
7.6. Old machines and fresh sweat
Notes chapter 7

Chapter 8: SMEs and temporary work

8.1. SMEs and temporary work: testimony to a classic operation

8.2. The work in question
Notes chapter 8

1- 2013: Solidarity actions with the workers of PSA Aulnay on strike
2- Letter from Henri Simon about the workers' survey
3- The survey questionnaire
4- For a workers' mapping project

Boulogne-sur-mer, 09/12/2023

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