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maandag 8 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL-Paris: The illusions of electoral promises (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Electoral promises only bind those who believe in them, we all know
that. We also know that it is only through our struggles that we can
achieve our demands, that we can have a chance of seeing those promises
that interest us respected. But beyond the electoral illusion, a program
is also valid for what is not included in it. And when we look at the
different struggle collectives that exist here and there, not that many
demands are taken up by the "new popular front", whether from a social
point of view, from an ecological point of view or from that of the
freedoms (the ban on facial recognition is in the transformations
section, that is to say later if we have time, for example). At a time
when many are turning to the ballot box to protect us from the
far-right, certain groups are still trying to take advantage of the
excitement to reaffirm their demands. It seems to us that this is an
interesting approach, and that is why we publish the calls of which we
are aware. Indeed, there is only one way to resist the far right: to
reaffirm and strengthen our struggles.

The victory of the RN in the European elections and the decision of the
President of the Republic to dissolve the National Assembly created a
strong stir in the part of the French population which refuses to be
governed by the extreme right. The united surge of the left and
environmental parties must be welcomed and supported. But we must not,
however, sweep our democratic demands under the carpet, particularly on
a choice with very serious consequences from all points of view: the
continuation or cessation of the civil and military nuclear industry.

Left-wing and environmental parties must not avoid an essential
What would a New Popular Front be like if it decided to continue the
"relaunch" of nuclear power, to which President Macron is committed?
Where would the rupture, the bifurcation, the transformation be?
Breaches of democracy, public deficits, ecological and health damage,
energy dependence, risks of conflict and disasters would only get worse.
And the economic, social and ecological crisis with it.
The new Popular Front must put on the agenda of its political agenda the
cessation of the civil and military nuclear industry, not only the
production of nuclear electricity. And plan all the necessary measures
to achieve it as quickly as possible. He must also commit to the
abolition of atomic weapons and mobilize all French diplomatic means to
achieve this.

The rest of the text in the call can be downloaded below:

Meeting in a General Assembly on June 18 at the Paris Labor Exchange,
Ambroise Croizat room, the Parc de Belleville Youth Collective read the
program of the New Popular Front. The latter gives hope for building a
just society in which foreigners will not be treated as scapegoats, but
as political subjects with rights.
This left-wing program plans to adopt "immediately twenty acts of
rupture to respond to the social emergency, the climate challenge, the
repair of public services, a path to appeasement in France and in the

We nevertheless challenge the New Popular Front because we note that
certain essential points are missing on which we demand a clear
positioning in accordance with human rights.

We are hundreds of isolated minors forgotten and discriminated against
by the State. We survive on the streets of this country, without any
status recognized by the institutions during our minority appeal. We are
abandoned to our fate, without access to health, school, shelter and
decent living conditions. We do not understand why we are not mentioned
in your program of "rupture" towards more justice while our presence is
visible in the streets, while our Collective of minors has been fighting
ardently for months to demand respect of Children's Rights adopted by
the United Nations General Assembly. Since the creation of our
Collective, we have exercised our right of expression, the only one we
have left, to always respond to all demonstrations in defense of public
services: public schools, social work, health, culture, etc. .

But, at the same time, we are the target of constant hate speech from
the far-right and Macronia, who wrongly accuse us of delinquency or even
a threat to security. We affirm that we are not "a problem", nor "a
danger" for French society; we are uprooted children, in danger, and we
demand your protection without distinction of nationality for us, who
survive here, and for all our brothers and sisters who will arrive here
at the end of a trying and long journey.

The Belleville Park Youth Collective calls for:

Respect for the presumption of minority
The drastic shortening of the duration of minority appeals
Dignified accommodation in Paris where we can stay until our appeals are
exhausted, so that we can be together and in touch with solidarity
networks, unions and associations
The end of police harassment and evictions from camps without a proposal
for lasting shelter adapted to our status
Dignified medical coverage and the creation of a dedicated health center
with day reception, care center, psychologists, laundry, canteen and
Access to solidarity restaurants in the City of Paris to eat
Access to Public Education and unconditional schooling
Free access to culture
Access to free transport like all minors in Ile-de-France
In short, we demand the same rights as French minors.

The Belleville Park Youth Collective*

*Our collective was built through the meeting of unaccompanied minors
who slept in a makeshift camp in Belleville Park in Paris and a
collective of residents, the 20th in solidarity with all migrants. e.s.
Our mutual trust was forged in the exchanges and actions carried out
together, from the conviction that the fight for the respect of our
rights had to be led by ourselves, that it was a fight for equal rights
and against racism and a political struggle, because our fate is neither
an error nor a lack of means, but the result of political choices and
racist laws. A good example is that of the JOP, for which the City of
Paris and the French State carry out a "social cleansing" of public
space, with the main objective of moving us away from Paris. To fight
this threat, we have occupied the Maison des Métallos since April 6.

Support us:
Thursday June 20 at 8:30 a.m. in front of the Paris TA: requisition of
empty buildings to shelter young people from the Maison des Métallos
Friday June 21 at 3:00 p.m.: demonstration with the collectives of
undocumented immigrants from République at the Maison des Métallos

email: contact.jeunesbelleville at gmail.com instagram:

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