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zaterdag 6 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, Anarchist Saints Anargyro - Kamaterou: Presentation of the brochure "Beyond resistance - a revolutionary manifesto for the new millennium (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

NEW MILLENNIUM -" ---- The brochure "Beyond Resistance - a Revolutionary
Manifesto for the New Millennium -" was written by Anarchist Federation
of New Britain, 1997. The purpose of this work was to describe how the
capitalist world is shaping up at the threshold of the new millennium,
analyzing the political characteristics of the time and capturing a
series of assessments of the crisis that the world economy would go
through and political system. At the same time, the positions of the AF
for the creation of an anarchist communist society and the role that an
anarchist organization should play on the road to the Social Revolution
that will establish it, as well as the relationship of this organization
with the working class and the social movements.

We think the issues raised by AF are extremely relevant. The effects of
the ongoing, structural and global capitalist crisis that we have been
experiencing since 2008 are reflected in the entire spectrum of social
life with particular intensity. When the Greek version of the brochure
was made public in 2013 by the comrades of the Anarchist Collective
KATHODON we were only at the beginning of the modern dystopia. 11 years
later our class is devastated by the anti-social policies of the state
and capital, while large sections of society that took to the streets in
the previous decade and faced the disappointment of refuting their
delusions of a "capitalism with a human face", they have already
reconciled themselves to the doctrine "There is no alternative". But the
attack on every social and class conquest of the past centuries for
"sharing the burdens of the crisis" is a daily, tangible reality, which
does not accept any compromise with the absence of an alternative
counter-proposal and the despair it brings.

If the absence of an alternative proposal was the reason for the defeat
of the games of the last decade, this same reason is also hidden behind
the current situation. Only a few days ago, the great social
delegitimization towards the political system was confirmed once again
in the huge percentages of abstention from the Euro elections. But this
delegitimization did not lead either in the previous decade, which was
characterized by great struggles, nor does it lead today to the
revitalization of the revolutionary perspective. The reason lies
precisely in the fact that discrediting the political staff is not
enough, general protest and spontaneous expression of rage to envision a
new society with realistic claims. Indignation is not enough, even if it
is accompanied by revolts. History has shown us, capitalism and the
state have the power, the mechanisms and the tools to vent any social
anger that "sees no further" and assimilate social forces in the
direction of "less bad government". It is clear that if you don't know
where your fight is going, then someone else, stronger, will always come
along to direct you. Therein lies the problem.

The society we want to replace the existing one is the one that should
give meaning to our struggles today. That is, to be our strategic
compass in every small or big struggle, as well as our signpost, in the
way we position ourselves and address society. If our struggles are not
grafted with this perspective, then they are lost out of hand. The more
direction is absent, the more we will sink into our inadequacies, and
the more the anarchist movement will not be able to meet the enormous
historical challenges. It is no accident that these inadequacies have
shrunk us numerically in recent years, just as it is no accident that
all kinds of degenerations have come and sat on top of these
inadequacies: from the anti-dialectical "marriage" of anarchism with
authoritarian communism and the rooting of social democratic delusions
at the altar of an apolitical "anti-right" rhetoric, as well as the
invasion of neoliberal and individualist ideologies within the body of

In order for the Social Revolution to be a convincing alternative
counter-proposal to state and capitalist brutality, we need both the
programmatic crystallization of our projects for another society,
without mixing with hostile ideological and political camps, as well as
the necessary action that will promote. It is not, of course, the job of
a collective to draw up and promote a revolutionary program, much less a
student club. Here comes the question of anarchist organization and the
relationship of that organization to the working class, social and class
struggles, and the prospect of creating a broader libertarian
revolutionary movement.

The creation of anarchist organizations is not something new, nor is it
an innovation proposed in Greece in the 21st century to "break" us out
of "cinematic" habits. Anarchism and organization are inextricable
concepts, speaking both of the "before" of a Social Revolution, and of
the "after" we seek. Anarchist federalist organizations are the "natural
order" of anarchists who struggle for Social Revolution and perceive
anarchism as a revolutionary and class current, the birthplace of class
struggle and ideas of social liberation and emancipation. In our view,
only an anarchist organization could work out a comprehensive
counter-proposal for a new society, in a way that could inspire the
millions of exploited and oppressed people who do not believe that their
lives will be bettered by themselves. system that daily crushes them.
After all, the long history of our movement itself shows this.

The role of an anarchist organization is not, of course, to carry out
the Social Revolution in the name of the working class and the masses,
like a Leninist party vanguard or like a Blanquist army. Her job is to
propose, to specify the proposals, to convince with her action and
example of the possibility of social self-direction. To fight for the
"hegemony of ideas" within our movements and class, that is, the one
that will ultimately be called upon to implement the revolutionary
ideas. Here, a critical perspective is raised that AF as well as the
comrades/equals of KATHODON put in their introduction: the concept and
strategy of organizational dualism, which will be further analyzed in
the dialogue that will follow. But very generally, let's say that
organizational dualism is an idea that derives its origin already from
the First International and Bakunin. It means the distinction of levels
of organization and the understanding that we must organize both on a
purely political level (based on our anarchist political identity) and
on a class and social level (that is, based on our class and social
identity). What is important to understand about "organizational
dualism" is that it expresses the anarchist belief that "the business of
liberating the working class is the business of the working class
itself." But at the same time, it expresses the necessity of political
organization, since if social and class organization were enough, then
social development would bring about anarchy by itself without the
mediation of struggle and ideas, which would mean that our involvement
would be meaningless with anything political.

In closing, we would like to say that the situation that opens before us
has risks but also opportunities. The "game is still being played."
Political instability is a given despite systemic declarations to the
contrary. The crisis is here despite the "post-memorial myths" and
eulogies about recovery and the "new normal". The entire capitalist
edifice is creaking from its foundations and throwing us either into
poverty or death. It is up to us to turn the situation around.

The presentation of the Anarchist Philosophical Club at the event

Reposted from: https://steki-fls.espivblogs.net/

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