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zaterdag 6 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SLOVAKIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Slovakia, Prima Akcia MAP: Call for help to Sudanese anarchists (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


At the request of the French union CNT-AIT, which is part of the
International Workers' Association (MAP), we join the call for financial
assistance for Sudanese anarchists and anarchists who are stuck in the
war-torn country. The money is intended to help the persons in question
leave the country, as the situation worsens as a result of the deepening
military conflict. Warning: the text contains descriptions of war
crimes, including rape. ---- GOAL OF THE COLLECTION ---- To get our
friends out of the country where they are at risk of arrest.


You can use PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/cntait1

If such an option does not suit you, please let us know, we will find
another solution.

If you decide to contribute, we would appreciate it if you let us know
about it.

If you have any questions, feel free to write to us. We are in regular
contact with the union CNT-AIT France.

Procedure for sending money via PayPal:

1) You must have a PayPal account. If you don't have one, you can ask
someone who does, and then you'll settle. Or contact us.

2) Go to https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/cntait1 and click Donate. Sign
in to your account.

3) Choose the amount with which you want to support the collection in EUR.

4) Choose a payment method (from PayPal account or bank account).

5) Select the option Payment for friends and family. This is not a
payment for services or goods that are covered by consumer protection.

6) A confirmation of the transfer will be displayed.

Send a message of solidarity by e-mail
The contact address is contact@cnt-ait.info. Your message will be
forwarded to people in Sudan.

Get informed about the events
If you speak French, you can follow current information about the
situation in Sudan through SudfaMedia. You can download a four-page
explanation of the situation in French here and a leaflet in French here.


An open military conflict in Sudan began on April 15, 2023. The fighting
takes place between rapid support units (or Janjaweed militias) and the
country's official army. As a result, the civilian population lives in
an atmosphere of fear. At least 15,000 people have already died and more
than 26,000 have been injured.

Sudan has approximately 50 million inhabitants. Of this:

Nearly 10 million people are internally displaced and over 2.1 million
have fled to surrounding countries (source)
Nearly 18 million people face severe food insecurity, representing 37%
of the population (source)
Over 3 million workers have lost their jobs and income, and an estimated
80% of public sector workers will not receive the basic wage by 2023
More than 19 million young people cannot study (source)
In addition, in the country:

More than 80% of hospitals do not work (source)
An estimated 65% of agriculture is destroyed, with around 80% of workers
employed in this sector (source)
Up to 90% of factories have closed their operations (source)
Sudan is undergoing a genocide that is part ethnic and part imperialist
in nature - each of the warring groups is supported by foreign powers
because of the country's strategic location and access to natural resources.

At the beginning of the conflict, the so-called revolutionary
committees, in which anarchists were also involved. Their effort was to
promote self-organization. However, this activity is becoming
increasingly difficult as violence from both military camps escalates.

The CNT-AIT union in France had already managed to collect more than
1,200 euros, which they handed over to their Sudanese friends. They were
used to distribute blankets, hygiene items (pads, soaps, toothpaste),
baby milk, to create spaces for children where drawing aids were
available and classes could take place, thanks to which children could
escape the horrors of war at least for a while. However, military
violence makes such projects impossible.

Janjaweed militias are cruel to the civilian population. Recently, they
first raped and then murdered our friend Sarah. The soldiers, in turn,
arrest and torture revolutionaries and accuse them of an alliance with
the Janjaweed. Our friends are urgently seeking refuge in neighboring
countries and are begging for help.


It is an anarcho-syndicalist union which, like the Direct Action union,
is part of the International Workers' Association. In the past, for
example, he coordinated aid in connection with the escape of anarchists
from Afghanistan to safety (more info in Slovak here). He also helped
the anarcho-syndicalist movement abroad during the pandemic (Bangladesh)
or during the great floods in Pakistan in 2022.


We are attaching the statement of the Sudanese Anarchist Federation
dated May 1, 2024:

More than a year has passed since the outbreak of a war that has killed
thousands of civilians, driven millions of children from their homes and
caused Sudan's biggest education crisis.

We call on all friends in and outside Sudan to continue their liberation
and volunteer work in asylum centers, refugee camps, camps for displaced
persons and hospitals and not to take sides in the war.

We condemn the crimes committed by Rapid Support Units in Khartoum,
Gezira and Darfur, including the rape, murder and recruitment of children.

We also condemn the military's exploitation of the disastrous situation
in the country in an attempt to gain legitimacy for its dictatorial
government, which has only brought destruction.

We call on all revolutionaries to educate people against supporting
tribal wars and fueling strife and racism!

Long live the revolution!

Military units in barracks and Janjaweed militias must be disbanded!

Anarchist Federation in Sudan
- - -
For more information on the history of the conflict and anarchist
activities in the country, we recommend the text from 2021 in Czech.

Thanks in advance for your support!

On the basis of information on the website of the CNT-AIT France union
(1, 2) and publicly available statistics, it was processed by the Priama
Akcia union

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