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zondag 14 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GERMANY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germamy, FDA-IFA: Against social exclusion, deportations and racism! That was the nationwide demonstration in Pforzheim / by nigra (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 100 people demonstrated yesterday Saturday against social exclusion,

deportations and racism in the AfD stronghold of Pforzheim. ---- For
years we have been observing a strengthening of right-wing populist,
right-wing extremist and fascist forces all over the world. When the AfD
was founded in 2013 as a euro-critical and radical market party, few
would have expected that within a few years it would transform into a
staunchly right-wing party with a hard fascist streak and, depending on
the federal state, with up to 40 percent of the vote, which drives the
established parties ahead of it and puts its misanthropic agenda on
their agenda: The traffic light coalition and the CDU have long been
implementing what the AfD wants in anticipatory obedience. Both
internally and externally, more and more anti-immigration and racist
laws are being passed, and deportation Chancellor Scholz would probably
prefer to take part in push-backs himself. The GEAS strengthens Fortress
Europe, and with the tightening of the unspeakable Asylum Seekers
Benefits Act, refugees in Germany will be harassed and excluded even
more, for example with the introduction of the payment card.

[click on photos to enlarge]

In order to counteract these developments and the social mood against
refugees, decentralized nationwide action days against the establishment
of a discriminatory social parallel system with the payment card took
place in Freiburg, Bielefeld, Bamberg, Potsdam and Leipzig from June 15
to 20. There are initiatives against this in other cities and federal

In Pforzheim, the deportation prison of the Karlsruhe regional council
has been located in the former youth prison since 2016. The AfD has been
the second strongest force in the city since June 9th with 23 percent of
the votes in the European elections and the strongest with 22 percent in
the local council elections. Good reasons to hold the nationwide
demonstration against the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act with the motto
"Against exclusion, deportations and racism!" there.

Unfortunately, only about 100 people came to the demonstration. That was
sobering at first, but perhaps it also shows where we are at the moment.
We can't just "blame" the bad weather and the CSD in Freiburg (where
12,000 people took part, yeah!). Nevertheless, it was a good and loud
demonstration: A percussion group warmed us up and extremely loud and
persistent slogan-shouters made it clear to passers-by what this was all
about. Speeches at the train station and in front of the deportation
prison by Aktion Bleiberecht, IL Karlsruhe, Seebrücke Heidelberg, OAT
Pforzheim, United Refugees Rights Movement (URRM) Karlsruhe and others
went into detail and explained the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, the
repression in the deportation prison, the GEAS, the possibilities for
repression through the payment card and made it clear that we must now
more than ever organize ourselves against the situation and show
solidarity with refugees. Parties cannot be relied upon here (as always
and everywhere).

Those who want to stay should stay.
Those who want to come should come.
Borders gone.
No borders, no nation.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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