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zaterdag 13 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Anarres Info: ANARRES OF JUNE 28. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


CENTRALISM? CPR: PRISONERS OF WAR... ---- The podcast of our Friday trip
to Anarres, the planet of concrete utopias. ---- From 11am to 1pm on
105,250 of the free Blackout frequencies. Also in streaming.---- Listen
and broadcast the audio of the episode: Anarres of June 28th. From Rafah
to Lebanon. Differentiated autonomy or authoritarian centralism? CPR:
prisoners of war... ---- Live broadcasts, insights, ideas, proposals,
appointments: From Rafah to Lebanon: is the front widening?
Netanyhau seems determined to expand the war front to the north too, in
order to guarantee his government to survive the increasingly strong
internal pressures. Only a permanent state of war alarm can allow an
executive that was already shaky a year ago to move forward, with a
growing burden of death and destruction.
A risky choice, because although Iran, the main sponsor of the Lebanese
Hezbollah, has largely demonstrated a reluctance to get involved in the
ongoing conflict, it is certain that it will widely support its allies.
This new front could cost Israel a lot.
Domestically, the number of refuseniks fighting the war in Gaza is
multiplying and there is a risk of a season of turbulence following the
decision to also force Hassidics to join the military.
We talked about it with Lollo

Differentiated autonomy or authoritarian centralism?
Premise. There is no doubt that the law on differentiated autonomy will
favor rich regions to the detriment of others, a decidedly unattractive
prospect. The praise of the mother and nurturer, father and guardian
state, the "ethical" state typical of the approach of the authoritarian
left it is certainly not a seductive prospect. The classic leap from the
frying pan to the grill.
We will try to address the issue from another point of view: that of
anarchist federalism
We talked about it with Francesco

Cpr in Albania and military areas
In the summer that has just begun, many of the government initiatives
regarding administrative detention could be condensed. From the CPR in
Albania to the new CPRs in military areas, the picture that emerges is
that of a progressive transformation of prisons for migrants into
concentration camps, making it more tangible than ever that those locked
up there are prisoners of war.
Analysis and prospects of the fight


Saturday 6 July
CPR, massacres at sea, concentration camps
11 o'clock
info point against borders and CPR
at Balon

Drop by every Tuesday
(A)distro - books, newspapers, documents and... much more
SeriRiot - self-produced benefit lottery screen printing
Come and browse through the books and magazines, the t-shirts and flyers!
Support self-production and information free from the state and the market!
Find out about fights and appointments!
from 6pm to 8pm in Corso Palermo 46 (from 16 July to the end of August
the district is closed)


Turin Anarchist Federation
Corso Palermo 46
Meetings - open to interested parties - every Tuesday from 8pm (from 16
July until the end of August the openings will be intermittent.


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