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woensdag 17 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE MOROCCO - ANIMALS - AFA - Animals First Aid - EMERGENCY: 200 Shelter Cats in Morocco are Facing Starvation!

ACT NOW to Support Michèle’s Shelter and Prevent a Tragedy.

Caring for all, leaving no one behind.

EMERGENCY200 Shelter Cats in Morocco are Facing Starvation!

Dear ,
Michèle’s shelter in Morocco is on the brink of disaster. In just three days, the shelter’s kibble supplies will be exhaustedleaving 200 cats without food. This is an urgent plea for help to save these cats from starvation. Michèle, who tirelessly cares for 200 cats at her shelter in Morocco, is running out of kibble. The situation is critical, with only three days of food left. Michèle is already being forced to refuse new rescues because she cannot guarantee food for them.


Credit: Sunshine Animal Refuge Agadir

ACT NOW to Support Michèle’s Shelter and Prevent a Tragedy.

“I currently have 200 cats at the shelter and only 3 days of kibble! I see the stocks dwindling more and more each day we are at the end of our resources. The worst part is that I am forced to refuse any new rescues I have no choice how can I take in a cat without being sure I can feed it? I imagine them outside alone hungry it’s terrible to say no and not be able to rescue them.” ~ Michele Augsburger


Credit: Sunshine Animal Refuge Agadir

Without immediate support, these cats will lose their strength, fall ill, and only the hardiest will survive. Michèle’s relentless efforts to secure kibble have fallen short as the number of abandoned cats continues to rise. Recently, the shelter has seen a dramatic increase in the number of cats due to rising abandonment rates and uncontrolled births. Despite Michèle’s continuous calls for help and attempts to secure kibble from suppliers and stores, the resources have not kept pace with the demand.


Credit: Sunshine Animal Refuge Agadir


Credit: Sunshine Animal Refuge Agadir

"In recent months the number of cats taken in at the shelter has increased dramatically. Abandonments are multiplying births are not controlled there are many reasons and the consequences are terrible. The resources however have not kept up with this wave."
~ Michele Augsburger

Credit: Sunshine Animal Refuge Agadir

The situation is even more dire on the streets. Cats that Michèle is forced to turn away face horrifying dangers. Many are brutally mutilated, suffering from severe injuries inflicted by cruelty and neglect. Some are shot by locals who see them as pests, leaving them to die in agony. These innocent animals endure unimaginable pain, and without the shelter’s support, their suffering will only increase.


Credit: Sunshine Animal Refuge Agadir

In Morocco, donors are scarce, and there are no foundations or subsidies available. Many cats are left to starve on the streets. Michèle’s shelter is a vital refuge for these animals, but it can only continue with your urgent help. Founded by Michèle Augsburger in 2013, SARA Morocco (originally Association Le Coeur sur la Patte - CSPA) was created in response to the dire conditions of street animals in Morocco. Michèle was determined to make a broader impact beyond individual rescues.
By donating today, you can help prevent these cats from suffering and dying from starvation and exposure to the dangers of the streets. Your support will provide the kibble needed to keep them healthy and strong, and allow Michèle to continue her vital work of rescuing and caring for these vulnerable animals.

By donating this cause you will be helping Sunshine Animal Refuge Agadir in Morocco.

P.S. If you have any questions or need assistance with your donation, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your support is invaluable, and we are here to help in any way we can.

Caring for all, leaving no one behind.
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