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woensdag 10 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE NORTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, UNIPA, Causa do Povo #82 - The victory of the Nestor Makhno Occupation: crucial advance for revolutionary trade unionism (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

In the backlands of Ceará, in the region bathed by the Acaraú River, 30
working families from the municipality of Massapê started the Nestor
Makhno Occupation on April 15, 2023. In the early hours of the morning,
they entered the Campo Grande farm, known by the residents of Bairro do
Mocó for having been abandoned for over 30 years. A camp was set up
there that broke the demobilization of peasants in the region who had
not organized themselves for rural occupation for more than 3 decades.
This event, reported worldwide, was the result of the grassroots work of
the Terra Liberta Popular Organization, affiliated to the Federation of
Revolutionary Trade Union Organizations of Brazil (FOB), which since
November 2022 has carried out constant grassroots work in the locality.

Base organization, direct action and popular alliance in building victory

Initially, the occupation caused astonishment among large farmers and
even the municipality's rural union. It was something they weren't used
to. There were spontaneous occupations in the region, but people marked
the land and then left, they did not camp. The combative practices of
the peasant tradition were forgotten and the Terra Liberta Popular
Organization made this rescue. During all the groundwork and after the
installation of the camp, the principles of autonomy and mutuality were
strengthened. No need to depend on politicians, whether left or right.
All opportunism that sought to harass the occupation was defeated by the
ideological cohesion of the people. After two months of occupation, the
repossession arrived. The response was to establish our feet on the
ground, respond legally to the slanders of the owner and the judge,
advance popular communication and establish effective alliances. With
each eviction injunction overturned, families became more excited about
staying on the land.

On December 6, 2023, due to arbitrary action by the judiciary and an
omission by the State government, the families were evicted. Their
belongings were destroyed, including a saint who symbolized the place
where the organization of families began. This injustice became
motivation during the 1st Occupation in Defense of the Common House,
where the families, with other base groups of the Terra Liberta Popular
Organization and other Ceará people's organizations; They stopped work
on the Largo de Fronteiras dam in Crateús and occupied the headquarters
of the Workers' Party in Fortaleza. A creative gesture of strong class

Through this, a negotiation channel was opened with governor Elmano/PT,
who committed to signing the priority action project for the settlement
of families through the acquisition of a farm in the region that had
better conditions than the one occupied. In April 2024, we had
confirmation of the signature through intense collection and monitoring
of protocols.

Lessons from the Nestor Makhno Occupation for the Bakuninist mass line

The problem therefore consists, for the working classes, not in
conquering, but in overcoming power and monopoly at the same time, which
means making a greater authority, a more powerful fact, emerge from the
depths of the people, from the depths of work. that involves capital and
the State and subjugates them. (Proudhon, System of Economic

The victory of Ocupação Nestor Makhno is a milestone in the history of
the FOB and in the development of revolutionary trade unionism in Brazil
in the 21st century. Through grassroots organization and direct action,
it became clear that revolutionary trade unionism is a mass strategy
that builds victories for the people. We, from the Popular Anarchist
Union (UNIPA), were part of this process, occupying, articulating
support, and strengthening the struggle. The fruits that will be
harvested in 2024 point to the relevance of Terra Liberta and FOB
militancy, even in times of organizational ebbs in the country.

As Makhno and Arshinov argued, it is through the involvement of
anarchists in these processes of popular self-organization that the
revolutionary mass line is developed. The mass line defended and
practiced by Bakuninism is revolutionary syndicalism. In our article
about slave labor in Rio Grande do Sul wineries, dated March 3, 2023, we
point out the need to "ruralize" revolutionary unionism in the country.
Such ruralization involves creating the conditions for the action and
development of the revolutionary unionist strategy among agricultural
workers in agribusiness and peasants who earn their livelihood from
their work on small properties and are threatened by the expansion of
large estates.

This task is crucial for the class struggle in Brazil. The agrarian
issue determines the place that the country occupies in the
international division of labor, which shapes the current capitalist
interstate system. That is, a country that exports agricultural
commodities, goods originating from agribusiness, which undergo few
industrial interventions in their processes, such as meat, soy, sugar
cane derivatives and forestry products. In Brazil, the social issue is
linked to the agrarian issue. In such a way that the construction of the
Brazilian social revolution undoubtedly involves the development of the
struggle and organization of the people of the countryside, waters and

Celebrating the victory of the Nestor Makhno Occupation is celebrating
revolutionary trade unionism!
Build revolutionary trade unionism in the countryside and in the city!
Long live the Free Land! Long live FOB!
Anarchism is struggle!

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