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donderdag 11 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUT AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, UNIPA, Causa do Povo #82 - 10 years of resistance to MegaEvents (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


In 2014, Brazil hosted the FIFA Football World Cup, in the context of
holding several mega-events, Rio +20 in 2012, the Confederations Cup and
World Catholic Youth Day, both in 2013, and the 2016 Olympics. , but
what stood out that year, even before the 7-1 defeat to the German team,
was the No World Cup movement that took to the streets and social media.
---- The mega-events were part of the neo-developmentalist project of
the PT governments of the time, under the presidency of Dilma Rousseff,
which included major works, such as Belo Monte, Jirau, Suape,
Transposition of the São Francisco River, Comperj, among others, as they
were accompanied by urban mobility works, sports equipment and other
urban equipment. All part of the works of the PAC, Growth Acceleration Plan.

However, far from having popular support, the mega-events and major
works suffered a lot of popular opposition, revolts, demonstrations and
insurgent resistance. In 2012, insurgent strikes broke out at PAC
construction sites, where workers rebelled against the terrible working
conditions. The following year, in 2013, the country was swept by the
2013 Proletarian Uprising. Therefore, the demonstrations of the Won't
Have a World Cup movement were part of a cycle of revolts, strikes and
insurrections against the neo-developmentalist project of the PT

At the beginning of 2014, during Carnival, the Garis in the city of Rio
de Janeiro decided to self-organize and went on strike, going over the
union leadership, whose Sindicato do Asseio is affiliated with the mafia
central UGT. This process of self-organization by street cleaners led to
the Black Strike of 2014, inspired by the Proletarian Uprising of 2013
and the teachers' strike of October 2013, which had as its highlight the
use of the Black Bloc tactic to resist police violence. .

This cycle of revolts is directly associated with the struggle of
workers for better living and working conditions, in a context where the
State and Capitalists always appeared demonstrating the billions used in
investment and the profitability of their companies.

At the same time, the process of carrying out these major events and
works was marked by the removal of workers in large cities, peasants and
coastal populations, with major works affecting several indigenous
peoples, such as in the Xingu National Park with the construction of
Belo Monte, projects military corporate dictatorship.

Resistance was taking place throughout Brazil and was directed against
the impacts of these mega works, without real consultation with the
people, which benefited large groups of construction companies, and at
the same time demanded improvements in living conditions, especially
health, education and transport.

Still in July, in Belo Horizonte, during the World Cup in Brazil, the
city was shaken by a tragedy: the collapse of the Batalha dos Guararapes
Viaduct. Two people died, the car driver, Charlys do Nascimento, aged
24, and the minibus driver, Hanna Cristina dos Santos, aged 25, and the
23 injured were passengers on the bus.

On the eve of the World Cup final, the police and judiciary system
arrested 23 activists who were fighting in social movements for better
lives. This process of political persecution to attack the popular
struggle in Rio de Janeiro was very evident. Infiltration and forged
evidence that were proven with the acquittal of the 23 accused.
Unfortunately, a comrade cannot celebrate his earthly freedom, Luiz
Carlos Rendeiro Junior, known as "Game Over", due to this persecution.

In 2014, we had a popular struggle against mega-events and city projects
built in favor of the ruling classes and big business. In Rio, this
process was radicalized by Eduardo Paes City Hall through the Cidade
Negócio project with large public areas being directed to investors,
contractors and negotiators of all types. These protests were essential
to demonstrate the ongoing elitist and exclusionary nature. As the
streets said: there is money for the pantry, but not for health and

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