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maandag 1 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, Luta FOB: National Statement: Even in the face of death or rape, the State wants to control women's uteruses (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

What is PL 1904? ---- Last Tuesday (11), the Chamber of Deputies
approved the urgency regime for Bill 1904/24, which treats abortion
after the 22nd week of pregnancy as homicide. With this decision, the
project can be voted directly in the Plenary, without going through the
Chamber's committees. ---- Proposed by deputy Sóstenes Cavalcante
(PL-RJ), the project criminalizes abortion after 22 weeks even in cases
in which the law protected women, children or pregnant people: rape,
anencephaly or risk of death for the pregnant woman. Furthermore, it
increases the sentence for a woman who undergoes the procedure to 20
years in prison. For comparison, the maximum sentence for a rapist is 10

How does it affect the lives of working women?
The scales of justice never weigh what they should. Thus, this
criminalization will fall on the backs of working women, especially
black women, whose precarious access to healthcare is already painful.
Meanwhile, women from the elite, from the social circles of big business
and politicians, will be able to carry out any procedures with
everything that the money taken from the people can pay for.

The project represents a major setback in women's sexual and
reproductive rights, especially at a time when Brazil is facing high
rates of rape. In 2022, 74,930 victims of sexual violence were
registered, with 60% of these victims being up to 13 years old and the
majority of aggressors being family members or acquaintances.

Alternative Popular, affiliated with FOB, participates in an action
against PL1904 in Londrina, Paraná.
The need to defend reproductive rights
The political class should not use women's bodies as bargaining chips in
their power struggles. Reproductive rights are human rights and should
not be used as electoral bargaining tools.

The yellow smile of the hypocrites who use the people's faith to
encourage actions like this will be broken by the fury that awakens in
each and every one who understands the magnitude of the absurdity of
this project.

It is in our places of living and work that we must raise awareness of
the importance of this issue, build support networks for women and
prepare for the great onslaught that guarantees full reproductive rights
to working women.

To face daily struggles and build a new world where women do not follow
the path of servitude, organize yourself at FOB.


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