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dinsdag 2 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL: Strike at universities and federal institutes shows the way: direct action, independence from the government and unity between categories! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

After more than 70 days of strike by administrative technicians in
education (TAEs), 60 days by teachers nationwide, workers at
universities and federal institutes, along with higher education
students, high school students and basic education teachers (as in
Paraná ) point out paths for the class struggle in general. Until this
month, there were more than 62 federal institutions on strike, with
constant assemblies reiterating the position for strike. Paths that are
not new in the history of the working class, however, in moments of ebb
in struggles, combative movements from certain categories can inspire an
anti-capitalist horizon and encourage other sectors of the oppressed
classes to take up their struggles.

The scenario of underfunding of education is the result of the
neoliberal strategic perspective of the dominant classes, a battle that
is long-term (crosses different governments) and aims to cut the budget
in social services that serve the population (health, education, social
services) and continue to enrich bankers and businessmen.

This policy has been deepened in recent years with the Michel Temer and
Bolsonaro governments and, with the current Lula/Alckmin government, the
education budget is hostage to class conciliation and the neoliberal
mechanism of the fiscal framework, without being able to reverse the
scrapping, the bad conditions of schools and universities. They continue
a deliberate policy of salary cuts and cuts, without adjustments for
workers at public universities and federal institutes, amidst the
increase in the cost of living and other attacks by conservative sectors
on education (such as militarization, outsourcing, ideological
surveillance). The attempt at class collaboration by the Lula/Alckmin
government and its Broad Front is falling apart in reality, along with
the myth of national pacification. We begin to see the oppressed classes
lose patience and use historical methods of struggle. At the same time,
union entities and the category's bases reject any opportunistic
approach from the extreme right to the strike movement.

Indefinite strikes, occupations, pickets and roadblocks as tactics in
several universities and federal institutes in the country set the tone
for the struggle. The unity between teachers, employees and students in
higher and basic education are elements that began to put pressure on
state and federal governments and show the power of the oppressed
classes in front of governments and employers.

As a result of this, at an event with rectors, on Monday, the 10th, Lula
announced a recomposition in the budget of universities and federal
institutes in the amount of R$ 747 million. This value is far below what
is necessary, but it expresses progress achieved through the struggle,
and it is only this that can overcome the scenario of precariousness and
disinvestment. In Paraná, although Governor Ratinho Jr. managed to
approve the state education privatization project, it was not without
struggle and national commotion, in a category that has been heavily
attacked in recent years by the country's right-wing and extreme-right

As if the attacks from the extreme right were not enough, federal
education educators are the target of an attempt to erase their past
struggles and defamation by a significant sector of the PT electoral
base, which propagates false information that Educators did not go on
strike and did not mobilize in past governments. They ignore or hide the
strike during the Temer government, which lasted 26 days and affected 46
universities against Constitutional Amendment 95 (previously, PEC
55/2016) in 2016. They also "forget" the category's participation in the
2017 general strike and the struggles of the Education Tsunami in 2019,
which ushered in the first fights against the Bolsonaro government and
large street demonstrations, before the start of the covid-19 pandemic.
This stance demonstrates that it is in the struggle on the streets, in
the places of work, housing and study, that class consciousness is
forged and that the left's focus on elections, far from presenting an
alternative for radical transformation for Brazilian society, can
produce passive subjects, even conservatives, who demonstrate against
the historical tools of the oppressed classes.

After Lula stated that "the strike no longer has any reason to last so
long", the increase in the category's revolt is notable. Lula sees that
attempts to cool down the strike through the co-option of union leaders
and an agreement with a government union (Proifes) have failed, as the
base of the category does not accept idle talk, much less a coup
orchestrated with skinflints. The category is firm in its intention to
end the strike only after concrete proposals that improve their working
and studying conditions.

This process of struggle demonstrates the limits of the left's actions
through the institutional means of the State and, at the same time, the
great power of the choice for direct struggle and organization of
workers with combative actions. It is the conflict between classes that
can bring about change, not collaboration with the enemy. It is in the
unrelenting popular struggle, with direct action and independence from
governments and bosses, that the oppressed classes are strengthened not
only to maintain and conquer their rights, but also have the conditions
to defeat class conciliation, the extreme right and their allies.

We express our full solidarity with the education strikes across the
country and their important radicalization at this time. The unity of
the fighting sectors and popular support can deepen the massification of
the process and lead us to important victories not only in this battle,
but also in the next ones to come.

  Libertarian Socialist Organization OSL, June 13, 2024

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