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dinsdag 27 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ALBANIA - ANIMALS - Network for Animals - The clock is ticking fast for Albania's dogs. See how you can help.


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Nation’s shame: The untold story of Albania’s suffering animals

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Dear friends,

I’m writing to you today with a heavy heart, as my team has uncovered a gut-wrenching reality that I must share with you. The plight of street animals in Albania, especially dogs, is nothing short of a nightmare. Vilified as ‘filthy pests,’ these innocent creatures are enduring unimaginable suffering – tortured, poisoned, and brutally killed in ways that are nothing less than horrific.

Credit: DARM

Click here to help stop the suffering in Albania.

Stomach-churning videos have surfaced showing animals being dragged behind cars, drowned in pools and thrown from apartment building windows with no remorse.

Countless dogs are tortured and slaughtered in Albania every year – and the state is the worst culprit of all.

Shockingly, the state is the worst offender. Not only does the government ignore cruelty inflicted by citizens, it also inhumanely kills countless animals every year. To clear the streets before large public events and tourist seasons, municipalities round up stray animals, transport them to rural areas, and poison them en masse

Credit: DARM

The sight is heartbreaking: Dogs writhing in pain, foaming at the mouth and yelping in agony as they die slow, agonizing deaths.

Horrifying footage has recently revealed piles of dead dogs at the municipal “shelter” in Lezhe. In cities like Lezhe and Tirana, hundreds of dogs die every month, victims of violence from citizens and the state alike, as well as utter neglect, rampant disease, and the ever-present threat of starvation.
The gruesome reality includes mass graves filled with these innocent animals, many still wearing ear tags that show they were once loved and cared for on the streets.
City authorities, driven by an unthinking hatred of street dogs, cannot be trusted. It is up to us – and animal-lovers like you – to fight against the odds to save these helpless animals from such brutal fates.

Credit:  NFA/Dejan Radic

From citizens putting poison pellets where street animals feed to the government slaughtering them on an industrial level, death stalks stray animals in Albania every day.

In the face of some of the worst animal abuse we’ve ever seen, we and our partners are determined to do whatever we can to end this cruelty. 

We have a proven track record of tackling tough situations of horrific animal abuse, and even though the challenges may seem daunting, we know from our previous achievements that small victories can make a significant impact. It’s these incremental changes that add up to monumental progress.

We cannot fight this battle alone.

Please donate now

Credit: DARM

Equipping our dedicated partners with the tools and resources they need to continue this fight is a crucial part of our mission. From essential veterinary supplies to critical legal and lobbying assistance, your support will provide them with the “weapons” they need to protect these vulnerable animals and put an end to their suffering.

Any amount you can contribute will go a long way in helping us achieve this goal – please donate whatever you can today.

Together with our partners, we will apply relentless pressure on the people and authorities of Albania to awaken their compassion and treat animals with kindness, not cruelty. 

Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

Lobbying and public awareness campaigns are powerful tools for change. Together, we’ve proven that when we unite, change is possible. If there was ever a cause worth uniting for, it’s this one – standing against this despicable cruelty. Now is the time to turn suffering into compassion in Albania and offer a glimmer of hope in these dark times.

Please, you are their only hope. 

Please donate now

We know that the journey to end this nationwide suffering is no small task, but we will not abandon these vulnerable animals, and we know you won’t either. Please donate generously today.

For the animals,

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
CEO and Founder
Network for Animals

P.S. While the world turns a blind eye to the suffering of animals, we help save them from misery and death. Your donation will make a difference for the animals – please donate whatever you can today.

Banner credit: NFA/Dejan Radic


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