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donderdag 29 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - (en) Czech, CAS[Ukraine]: ANGRY LOCAL PEOPLE ACHIEVE RELEASE OF FORCED MOBILIZERS IN UKRAINE (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Russian anarchists inform us of the growing resistance of the Ukrainian

workers and youth to the mobilization and consignation to the
slaughterhouse of this senseless war. Resistance against the war of the
powerful is thus growing not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine. Mass
disobedience, desertion, rebellion and fraternization of workers on both
sides of the conflict is the only way to end wars and get closer to
revolution. Glory to all deserters and deniers of mobilization. Let our
anti-militarism slogan sound louder and louder: "Neither can, nor spend
a penny on war and militarism!"
On August 3, 2024, a spontaneous assembly broke out in the Ukrainian
city of Kovel (Volyn region). Demonstrators besieged the TCC (Military
Registration and Recruiting Office) district office building on
Grushevsky Street and demanded the release of conscripts captured by
military commissars as part of the Shatsk checkpoint mobilization. After
clashes with military commissars, people kidnapped by the state were
People outraged by the detention of three local youths started gathering
near the town's TCC area in the evening and demanded the release of the
captives. Videos that circulated online showed protesters clashing with
military personnel. The protesters expressed their dissatisfaction and
distrust of the Ukrainian army.
Calls for rebellion are spreading on social networks of the Kovel region
and the Volyan region. Demonstrators threatened to attack the military
registration and boarding office. Police "police" units and a police
investigation team were dispatched to the scene.
Under pressure from the crowd, all three mobilized detainees were
released. Those forcibly taken away were greeted with applause by the
crowd, after which the demonstrators dispersed.
As usual, the authorities accused "Russian agents" of organizing the
protest and opened cases under articles of calls for disorderly conduct
and group disorderly conduct.
Meanwhile, former adviser to the President of Ukraine Arestovich
admitted that people's reluctance to fight has spread. On August 2, he
stated that despite all the bans and repression, hundreds of men are
fleeing Ukraine every day. "If I told you now how many people try to
flee Ukraine every day, you would gasp. The State Border Service
recognized 100 people a day, the deputy 200. But this number is
approximately 30 times higher." According to him, many actually manage
to leave the country.
In total, according to the British newspaper Financial Times, which
refers to Ukrainian government sources, 800,000 men who are subject to
mobilization are avoiding conscription. According to the newspaper, they
are believed to have gone "illegal".
Source: website of Russian anarcho-syndicalists from KRAS - IWA
Video of the protests on the website of Kovelske daily:

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