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zondag 18 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire: No Quarter: The Multinationals' Nightmare (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, the Louise Michel group, in its show No

Quarter on Radio Libertaire, received a lawyer as formidable as he is
discreet in the media, Me Fiodor Rilov, the nightmare of multinationals,
in order to discuss the duty of vigilance in three cases: MoryGlobal,
Total in Yemen and Bolloré in Cameroon. ---- Some sixty Yemenis are
seeking compensation from the multinational, accused of having polluted
the land and waters ---- 'a region in eastern Yemen where it exploited
an oil field for nearly 20 years. The plaintiffs denounce "considerable
and permanent damage". Their request was examined on February 1. ----
The name of Socfin, the Belgian-Luxembourg holding company that owns
tens of thousands of hectares of oil palms and rubber trees, was
symbolically seized in France, in the conflict that has pitted African
farmers against the Bolloré group for years.

France was a pioneer in adopting a law in 2017 requiring companies that
employ more than 5,000 people in France and more than 10,000 worldwide
to publish a vigilance plan.

To date, only one procedure has resulted in a conviction, that of La
Poste in the first instance in December 2023 for the employment
conditions of undocumented workers in its subsidiaries. The French group
announced in March that it had appealed.

Louise Michel Group

Listen to:[https://radio-libertaire.org/podcast/registre/2024-04-16_13.mp3]

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