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woensdag 28 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, CAB: No forgetting, no forgiveness! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Our class enemy died. Unfortunately, it was not in a context of a
correlation of forces favorable to those at the bottom. But the left as
a whole is celebrating, right? ---- Those who know that who you hang out
with and what you do is worth more than what you say, yes! Those who
will not forget the crimes of the dictatorship and its current legacy,
yes! Those who occupy a place among the oppressed, yes! Those interested
in our people organizing and conquering positions of strength in favor
of a society with justice and social freedom, yes!

Those who occupy positions of power, prestige and positions of "great
responsibility", no! They need to be cordial, remember the intellectual
legacy, caress with gentle words, beat around the bush so as not to say
what should be said: Delfim Netto is an enemy, he is part of the gears
that move capitalism and its interests. He collaborated, did not regret
it and laughs at the crimes and ideas of the Brazilian
corporate-military dictatorship. He was an intellectual of the various
economic juggling acts responsible for maintaining an unequal, violent
economic system that benefits the rich.

Which side are you on?

Our memory does not forget, this still happens!

Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira - CAB

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