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woensdag 28 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA MEXICO - news journal UPDATE - (en) Mexico, Chiapas, Tejiendo Libertad: The heart on fire the first conspiracy of autonomous education and anarchist education (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Last Sunday, August 11, we concluded with our hearts on fire the first

conspiracy of autonomous education and anarchist education in rebel
territory. We want to thank each one of the comrades who came from
distant geographies to share the power of their work, because it fills
us with hope to know that projects continue to be woven that bet on the
defense of life from dignified rage, joyful rebellion and creative
resistance. We also thank our comrades from Sendas Chiapas for providing
us with the space so that the activities could take place and for
supporting us with everything that was needed, Casa Tlacuache Andino for
hosting the comrades and being another headquarters of the conspiracy,
the collective Comida No Bombas San Cristóbal de Las Casas for preparing
nutritious and delicious food to feed us for the three days, also our
comrades from anarkop and conerre.tv for the live broadcast, because
thanks to them it was possible for the meeting to reach all the comrades
who could not attend through cyberspace.
We sincerely thank the collective effort that allowed us to bring
together our rebellions during these three days and as a very dear
comrade said in the framework of the meeting, Salud y Revolución Social!

Coordinadora Anarquista Tejiendo Libertad

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