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dinsdag 17 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EU EUROPE - euobserver - OPINION - INVESTIGATION - FEATURE - EUobserver daily news - Tuesday 17 September 2024


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EUobserver: EU news, analysis and opinions for discerning readers since the year 2000. Get the EU news that matters and become a supporting member today.

Von der Leyen's new commissioner team under fresh scrutiny after Breton resignation

Ursula von der Leyen's already-delayed formation of her next team of EU commissioners has come under increased scrutiny, after the shock resignation of France's commissioner, Thierry Breton, on Monday (16 September) — in protest at the commission president's “questionable governance”.Read on »

Brussels Audi factory closure exposes fears in European car industry

Thousands of workers in Belgium took to the streets on Monday, disrupting traffic and public transport, in solidarity with workers at an Audi factory in Brussels that is facing imminent closure. Read on »

Germany's Schengen abdication — a structural policy failure not a quick fixOpinion

What sets German chancellor Olaf Scholz's latest decision apart is not the act itself — but its magnitude in the absence of an immediate border crisis. This time, it reveals a more structural issue within Germany’s approach to integration and migration. If left unaddressed, this policy shift could put the entire European project at risk.Read on »


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Drug firms finance Europe’s 'patient groups' with multi-million donationsInvestigation

The pharmaceutical industry pours €110m into patient-advocacy organisations across the continent, new research by Investigate Europe reveals. Critics argue that funding threatens the independence of the sector — claims rejected by the groups.Read on »

UK 'very interested' in using Albania migration deal as a template

UK prime minister Keir Starmer is “very interested” in copying Italy’s arrangement to process asylum applications at offshore centres in Albania, Giorgia Meloni told reporters on Monday.Read on »

Slovenia's commission pick rejects lobbyist label

Slovenia's presumptive candidate for European Commissioner Marta Kos says she is not a lobbyist despite working for a major consultancy firm in Brussels.Read on »

In case you missed it

Caught in the net — Migrant rights ignored in EU fishing sectorFeature

Underpaid, overworked and invisible — experts say that fishers in the EU are being abandoned in an industry with a lack of oversight. This six-month investigation delves into the issue. Read on »

After defeat in the Sahel, the EU seeks new balance to Africa relationsFeature

The EU Commission’s main priorities from its relations with Africa are likely to be migration control and access to critical raw materials. But don't expect Africa to be a priority for a second von der Leyen commission.Read on »

MEPs must fight back - and vote - to protect EU aid budget this monthOpinion

As the new European Parliament gears up for another term, MEPs face one of their most important tasks: voting on the EU’s aid budget for 2025. Yet, heads of state and politicians are increasingly seeking drastic cuts to official development aid and scaling back on humanitarian aid pledges, write the directors of 13 international humanitarian NGOs.Read on »

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