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maandag 9 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire - The silence of the rings (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

We were very kind to offer you a refuge, to create an Olympic team of
refugees and what do we get as a thank you? ---- An Afghan breakout
refugee in Spain, Manizha Talash, dared to violate the political
neutrality of the Olympics by wearing a cape on which was written...
"Free Afghan women" ---- isqualified in the name of rule 50 of the
Olympic charter. ---- "I did not leave Afghanistan because I am afraid
of the Taliban or because I cannot live there. I left to do what I can
for the girls of Afghanistan, for my life and my future." she had
declared before the event.
This disqualification will have more weight than the 529 grams of a damn
gold medal.

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