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maandag 23 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE PARIS - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire: Prime Minister, many thanks! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The shell game continues ---- No, I have not gone crazy, in fact what

happened for his appointment is a pure example of what anarchists have
been denouncing for a very, very long time. So yes, thank you so much
that this dishonest sleight of hand has opened the eyes of some who
still believed that elections serve a purpose and that placing power in
dubious hands, certainly elected, is an exercise, adventurous and
dangerous. ---- A game rigged in advance ---- Politicians are organizers
of shell games, you know this kind of game, which is organized on the
sly in the street, on a high cardboard with a few cards and where, you
have to find the only card of a color, after fraudulent manipulations.
You bet, you are allowed to win a little and then you lose, you win
again and in the end you are given the contents of your wallet. You
protest and suddenly those you took as players, players like you turn
out to be accomplices, and we ask you to calm down and then get the hell
out, otherwise there will be trouble.


Have you read this analogy? Of course it does not reflect all the
subtleties and mean tricks that politicians can do, but hey admit that
it sums up the political game a bit too much for a long time. Power as
it is exercised is based on deception and we are the turkeys.

No risk

The difference between the system of political power and civil society,
the dishonest in politics can dare anything, but really anything. He,
she can do it, there is no risk, nothing. Impeachment, a very
complicated procedure, even impossible, because like in three-card
tricks, accomplices will never vote for impeachment. Here I am again,
quoting three-card tricks again, definitely. It is well constructed,
isn't it, as a system of power? Finally, if we look at it from the point
of view of the government, but not from ours.

The opposition?

The opposition, the solution? Obviously not. A real theater with poor
actors and actresses. They shout, they scream like eagles, they vilify.
It's quite normal, given that they got taken for a ride, by people more
dishonest than them. We're already taken for a ride with broken
promises, I'm not going to feel sorry for them.

A revolt?

Don't count on it, no party will call for a revolt. A few
demonstrations, without effect, or the "population" will be invited. And
then nothing. Why? It's quite simple, the elected officials and other
politicians have no interest in breaking and changing this system from
which they profit handsomely, abundantly. Let's think about the
allowances pocketed and the financing of political parties calculated on
the basis of election results.

These people are playing on time, long in the hope of one day holding
power by acting dishonestly. Dishonesty that they denounce by being in
the opposition.

The long time, except that we, it is not in a year or two, that we need
to live with dignity. In addition, poverty has lasted for centuries and
has the long time of politicians changed anything in poverty? No. On the
other hand, for their careers it is like chess games where each and
every one places their pawns, for a game that we pay the price for. They
are the ones who bet and we who pay, damn it, the shell game.

Let's stop the game!

It's the only way to stop it. Only a libertarian revolution will rid us
forever of this evil, dishonest clique that makes us endure
unimaginable, perpetual suffering in all countries of the world. Voting
will not change anything, we see it today. Let's increase the number of
revolutionaries and together, put an end to this domination. Let's count
only on ourselves to change the old world!

Frédéric CLERE
Commune de Paris Group.

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