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dinsdag 17 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI @188 - AUTUMN SCENARIOS (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The autumn of 2024 will go down in history for a series of events whose

outcome will mark the evolution of political relations both
internationally and in our country. The event, whose outcome will
certainly be the most conditioning, is constituted by the outcome of the
elections in the United States: in particular, the foreign policy of the
country that claims political and economic hegemony in the world and
that does not want to resign itself to acknowledging the decline of the
empire as new actors have imposed themselves in a now multipolar world
will be very different depending on the elected candidate. Trump's
muscular isolationism, if on the one hand will be distinguished by the
promised disengagement from the war front in Ukraine, on the other hand
it will presumably leave a free hand to Netanyahu in his action to
destabilize the Middle East. The efforts of the United States in foreign
policy will presumably be concentrated on the containment of China and
the competitive contrast to Europe, abandoned to itself.
Partially unknown is the orientation of candidate Harris, who on the one
hand promises to place herself in a position of continuity with Biden's
policy, which would in fact lead to the endless continuation of
conflicts both in the Middle East and on the Ukrainian front. In
domestic politics and social policies, Harris promises to impress more
liberal orientations on the choices of the United States government that
should leave room for the deployment of progressive choices both on the
economic level and especially in the protection of rights. These choices
could affect the general orientations of the West with regard to the
management of social problems, acting as a barrier to populist rhetoric
and conservative and traditionalist temptations that propose regressive
and obscurantist identity policies.

The European Union and the policy of the new Commission

With the designation of the new Commission of the European Union, the
political program of the next five years of the Union will take shape
and substance, during which some problems will have to be solved. There
is no doubt that the debate and discussion on the construction of an
army for Europe will be central, even if it is not clear whether there
will be a rearmament country by country and a coordination of the war
industry to standardize the production of weapons systems, in order to
achieve economies of scale and greater efficiency and power of the
armaments adopted, or whether there will be the creation of a true
common army. It is very likely that we will settle on the intermediate
solution of creating common intervention bodies that would be a
precursor to the creation of a true single army.
On the economic level, the Union will not be able to escape the problem
of trying to find a solution to the common debt, which is now
unavoidable and in any case essential to relaunch the economy of the
entire European area, for example by agreeing to launch Euro bonds by
issuing common debt.
It will also have to deal with the problems of enlargement, which will
be the most difficult and devastating, in particular those constituted
by the disastrous entry of Ukraine into the Union which will require and
absorb immense economic resources, will destabilize the balance between
the cultural and religious components of the Union, will undermine the
community aequis at its foundation, distorting its distinctive and
qualifying characteristics, which make the European area a space of
civil liberties, a pole of attraction for the fair and peaceful
development of the countries of the Continent.

Italian issues

There is no doubt that the drafting of the budget law is the main
problem that the Government will have to face in the autumn. The
expected size of the maneuver should be around 30 billion, but the
coverage is not yet clear or sufficient. There is a lack of essential
resources for healthcare, they are needed to increase wages, at least
recovering the loss due to inflation, investments are needed in many
sectors, to relaunch production and thus increase tax revenues, avoiding
having to resort to new taxes that would also hit the less well-off. In
fact, any form of wealth tax, taxation of banking institutions' profits,
or the procurement of resources at the expense of high-income brackets
must be excluded from the policy of this government.

But to relaunch the production system, new life is needed for the labor
market, which can only come from emigration, which the Government
persists in fighting, attacking NGOs that save just 8% of migrants,
targeting in particular those financed by the CEI, which politically
constitutes a disavowal of right-wing politics that is particularly
significant. In its justification, therefore, the Government claims to
want to distinguish between irregular immigration for which it has
designed the very expensive and shameful Albanian concentration camp as
a deterrent advertising spot against migrants, but at the same time it
does nothing to change the law on emigration, although the majority of
political forces are aware of its inadequacy, and this in order to allow
the regular supply of labor for the country's production system, loudly
demanded by the Northern League Treasury Minister, as well as by the
governor of the Bank of Italy and the president of INPS. While the
degradation of the health system grows, aggravated by the planned
implementation of differentiated autonomy, the government majority
amuses itself with family gossip, frankly cloying and in bad taste,
develops academic debates on the ius scholae that will probably end up
in nothing, and whatever else is thrown into the public debate from time
to time, so that the real problems constituted by the increasingly
unequal distribution of income and which sees the number of poor people
in the country grow, are not discussed. In the meantime, the country is
tasting the first effects of the measures, albeit minimal, adopted by
the Government. The dramatic situation in prisons finds no solution and
this while the Minister of Justice is toying with mini measures relating
to the cost of wiretaps that are drastically reduced, to the full
advantage of white-collar crimes as a category to be protected and which
are then those that worry the executive and with respect to which the
events in Liguria constitute a litmus test. The proposal for the
premiership, marred by abysmal and macroscopic inconsistencies and
technical-political contradictions, has disappeared from the political
debate for the moment (fortunately entrusted to a policy that is inept
from a technical point of view), and the government is preparing to go
to a new electoral day consisting of the regional elections in Liguria,
Emilia Romagna and Marche, electoral deadlines that should probably be
merged. Precisely in the perspective of the occurrence of this event,
the summer upheavals underway in the political framework can be
explained, constituted by the takeover bid launched by Forza Italia on
the electorate of the center, which the apparently redeemed Renzi and
Calenda were not able to conquer and which should constitute in the
imagination of Italian politicians, once again, the needle of the
balance of the victory of one of the two sides. This is why it is worth

Preparing to fight

In this situation, the left cannot help but prepare to fight, first of
all to counter the support for the war and forcefully demand an end to
the extermination in Gaza and the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine,
through the opening of negotiations on both fronts. A first step in this
direction would certainly be the interruption of war supplies to the
belligerents, which should be accompanied by a humanitarian intervention
to support the victims of these two conflicts as well as the many others
that afflict the different countries of the world.
The mobilization against the war marches hand in hand with that of
stopping the right-wing drift that seems to pervade all of European
politics, stimulated and facilitated by the reborn Islamist terrorism
that, by increasing fears, allows the advance of the parties of an
increasingly extreme, xenophobic and racist right.
The regional electoral deadlines constitute for the reformist left the
opportunity to experiment with a possible unity, at least on the
electoral level, which would allow to avoid the overflowing presence of
the right that increasingly pervades the political debate, pollutes the
solutions to problems and imposes class choices that privilege some
corporations and social classes to the detriment of others. in a
corporate vision of society, based on friendships, family relationships,
parental relationships, comparative relationships, mafia and
clientelistic relationships and whatever else constitutes the arsenal to
let the clienteles of local and national bosses manage the political
choices of the country.

The growing deterioration of the economic and social situation of the
country requires a mobilization that will certainly have as its first
opportunity to manifest itself concretely the referendum on
differentiated autonomy that will have to overwhelm with an overwhelming
majority of requests for the repeal of a law that responds to an
economic and political situation that has now changed compared to the
time in which the proposal was put forward and that in the current
situation risks producing inequality and dissolution of the social
structure of the country.
Responsibly, on this occasion we will participate in the mobilization
for the signing of the referendum request, in the debates aimed at
illustrating the harmful effects of the law, in the vote. Our commitment
in this sense, obviously, will be repeated in the event that Parliament
approves any proposal for a premiership or modification in the same
sense of the Constitution and this because we believe that the
parliamentary form of the Republic and the balance of powers between the
constitutional bodies, sanctioned by the Charter adopted with the
Constituent Assembly, are a constituent part of the constitutional pact.
and this also in order to oppose the right's intentions to rewrite the
constitutional pact with an amended Charter, which distances itself in
fact from anti-fascism, a constitutive and founding element of the
republican pact stipulated with the Resistance.

The Editorial Staff

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