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zondag 22 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI @188 - UKRAINE: the war is spreading (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Ukrainian invasion of the Russian territory of Kursk Oblast, which

began on August 6, undoubtedly represents a new phase in the "energy
war" that sees the United States and Great Britain fighting against
Russia, through Ukraine, and is aimed at destroying the German economy
and sabotaging the economic and social development of the European Union
to prevent it from undermining the financial and commercial supremacy of
the Anglo-Saxon area. ---- The reasons and the main cause of the
Ukrainian war cannot be understood if we do not start from the fact that
one of its main objectives is to drain the economic resources of the
European states to allocate them to rearmament, taking them away from
the social well-being of their citizens. The recent revelations,
relating to the destruction of Nord Stream Two and the Ukrainian
operation itself towards the Kursk area, are enlightening in this sense:
as declared by Biden himself, the priority objective of the United
States has always been the destruction, by any means, of the oil and gas
pipeline that allowed the German economy to have low-cost energy
supplies, without being subjected to blackmail and the cost deriving
from the passage of the pipelines from the countries that separate the
Russian territory from the German one. It is known to all that the
German economy, benefiting from a low cost of energy, drove the economic
development of the entire area of the union but was too competitive for
the economy of the Anglo-Saxon area and therefore it was necessary to
sever this umbilical cord that risked also politically bringing the
European Union closer to Russia through an economic partnership
convenient for both parties. Taking advantage of the existence of this
strategic objective, some factors that we are going to list have been
inserted as further contrasting elements.

The interest of the Ukrainian oligarchs in seeing nationalism grow in
the country to bring its economy closer to that of the European Union:
the agricultural sector, directly linked to the interests of
multinational food companies, and the mining sector, interested in the
country's resources, are particularly interested in the operation.
The interest of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, an agent of the State
Department in the Eastern European area, intent on gaining hegemony over
Ukrainian Orthodoxy, removing it from the historical bond that ties it
to the Patriarchate of Moscow and acquiring control of its huge economic
land and real estate assets, conferring them to an autocephalous church
specifically created by it.
The interest of Great Britain in encouraging the entry of new countries
into the European Union, especially those with an Orthodox majority, in
order to destabilize or at least modify the balance between the
different religious components of the population of the continent,
delaying if not nullifying the process of osmosis between the different
countries and peoples, and this in order to undermine their unity. In
this regard, it should not be forgotten that the long-standing objective
of British foreign policy has been that of a divided Europe, considered
the only true guarantee of the independence and autonomy of Great
Britain and its imperial aspirations.
Russia's need to ensure the existence, between its borders and those of
the EU, of some buffer countries that would allow the implementation of
security policies aimed at safeguarding its borders.
In this context, the shady business of Biden and his clan in Ukraine,
whose main actor is the son of the US President, the strategic project
of Ukrainian nationalists to give an identity to the country through a
new narrative of the history of the country, aimed at distinguishing it
from the Russian one, identifying the Russians as a colonial power; the
very foundation of an autocephalous Ukrainian Church, capable of taking
away and acquiring control of the immense economic heritage of the
canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, constitute causes that contribute
to making the reconstruction of the reasons and effects of the ongoing
conflict more complex and difficult. However, the various reasons we
have mentioned are essential to understand not only the causes, but also
to hypothesize the possible developments of the ongoing war.

The diversionary action towards the Kursk oblast: objectives and prospects

The Ukrainian operations of August 6 were appropriately prepared by a
change in command of the Ukrainian army that entailed a radical change
in strategy and an alignment of the Ukrainian commands with the
suggestions of the strategic support group established within NATO.
Western military analysts, after the failure of the Ukrainian offensive
last year, conducted by resorting to a confrontation on the ground
between the Russian and Ukrainian armies, believed that the continuation
of the conflict and its transformation into a war of position and
trenches could only lead to the slow but inexorable prevalence of the
Russians. The slowness of the Russian military machine, its elephantine
size, has required long activation times, but the adoption of the war
economy has led to the progressive strengthening of the Russian army on
the battlefield, also thanks to an undeniable numerical superiority, and
this in the face of a progressive reduction of the Ukrainian forces on
the field, so much so that the number of international contractors
currently operating on the battlefield has grown, while the recruitment
of Ukrainian conscripts is experiencing increasing difficulties, despite
the fact that general mobilization has been ordered by law. The growing
difficulties on the Donbass battlefield demonstrate the validity of
these considerations: in other words, time is working against Ukraine.
It is to be presumed that starting from these considerations, the idea
of a diversionary and at the same time sensational action was born,
capable of rebalancing the situation on the battlefield, preparing
better conditions for a peace negotiation. Sacrificing the situation of
the troops deployed in the trenches to fight the Russian army, the new
conscripts and contractor battalions, handsomely paid thanks to Western
funding - which also used the proceeds of seized Russian goods for this
purpose - trained by NATO officers in various Western countries and
especially in England, were secretly prepared to carry out a military
operation that hinged on the mobility of columns of tanks and armored
vehicles, protected by drones and missiles and a reborn Ukrainian air
force, charged with conducting an invasion action on Russian territory.
The advantages of the operation were and are many: the war was brought
to the enemy's territory, with certainly effective media effects capable
of striking the collective imagination; the Russian population and the
morale of the Russian troops were struck, bringing the war into the
country; prisoners of war and territory were acquired to be exchanged in
the event of future negotiations. Furthermore, the area affected by the
operation allowed to aim at two objectives: the control of the Sudzha
pumping and sorting station, a hub of the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas
pipeline, which crosses Ukraine; for this oil and gas pipeline, Ukraine
continues to be paid by Moscow for transit rights and the pipeline
reaches Slovakia, where it splits into two sections: one directed to the
Czech Republic, the other towards Austria. The main interested buyers
are Slovakia and Austria, in addition to Hungary. This is the only
energy infrastructure that has remained efficient, given that in May
2022 Kiev had interrupted access to its territory through another
transit station, that of Sokhranovka, with a capacity of 30 million
cubic meters per day, citing force majeure. The result of this clash is
that today Europe pays 40 dollars per megawatt hour for gas and the US
only 7.
The second and not secondary objective is to take control of the Kursk
nuclear power plant, to be able to exchange it with that of Zaporizzja,
currently controlled by the Russians. Furthermore, the Ukrainians are
counting on the fact that to prevent the achievement of these
objectives, Russia will end up moving part of the troops engaged in
Donbass, thus easing the pressure on that front.
What is surprising is that, once again, Moscow was completely unprepared
to know and predict Ukrainian strategic intentions. In truth, something
had leaked out, so much so that in the days preceding August 6, Russia
had reported to the United States a possible Ukrainian initiative that
would have further raised the level of the conflict, but the talks
between the Russian and American general staffs had proved fruitless,
given that the United States had declared that it was not aware of any
Ukrainian action.

Having received the surprise, Russia seems to have adopted, in turn, an
unexpected decision, which has seen the reasons of the military command
prevail over the intentions of the politicians interested in immediately
repelling the attack to wash away the offense of the invasion of Russian
soil, which have done everything to keep the pressure high on the
Donbass front, diverting the least possible number of forces from that
front. The defense of Kursk has been entrusted to specially created
military bodies, bringing in troops stationed in Kaliningrad and other
areas of the country, with the task of containing the Ukrainian advance
as much as possible, entrenching themselves around the nuclear power
plant, considered the objective of the operation. In other words, Russia
has agreed to make the population of the Kursk oblast pay the price of
its strategic choices, it has reluctantly accepted, to see the country
humiliated. However, Putin is counting on a reinvigorated patriotism to
recruit volunteers, avoiding running for compulsory conscription, and
aims to make the country's population accept the war against Ukraine,
leveraging the defense of the homeland's soil and Russian nationalism.
The simultaneous strengthening and acceleration of the action to break
through the front at Toretsk and Pokrovsk aims to develop, along the
highway and railway junctions that start from these nerve centers, an
enveloping action aimed at bringing the Russian army behind the trenches
on the Donbass front, to impose a decisive turning point in the conflict
and above all to eliminate the fighting elite of the Ukrainian army that
has been holding the battle for years. The reclamation of the invaded
territory of the Kursk oblast, in the Kremlin's intentions, can wait,
but it will be radical and will have to aim at the total annihilation of
the invasion force, while it cannot be excluded that the city of Sumy
and its oblast will also become one of the territorial objectives
claimed by Moscow, before it can be added to peace negotiations. It
follows that the end of the conflict is moving away.

The effects of the conflict and opposition to the war

The Ukrainian action on the Kursk oblast has undoubtedly widened the
scope of the conflict, contributing to its chronicity, and is reflected
in the political-strategic objectives of the Kremlin which, in order to
guarantee the security of its border, is likely to widen its objectives
to reach the natural border of the Dnepr River, seen as the one on which
to settle to conclude the conflict. This choice would lead to further
years of war, unless we witness a sudden collapse of the front, which
however would not have decisive effects, given that the conflict has
become generalized. By now, in the clash between Russia and the West, we
are no longer facing a war in pieces, as Pope Francis clearly saw, but a
global war, which is fought on multiple fronts at the same time: that of
Ukraine is only one, but there is Africa and the entire globe, where
humanity is consumed within approximately 60 conflicts.
Nor do the harmful effects of what is happening stop at armed conflict,
because war drains resources away from social and collective well-being,
causing health systems to deteriorate, destroying well-being and wealth,
deeply undermining consciences, destroying relationships of solidarity
between human beings, with a general decline in the living conditions
and well-being of all. In other words, war produces misery, social
disorder, suffering, inequalities, and for this reason it must be
stopped, beyond the reasons of one or the other.
It is for this reason that we are resolutely against the war and that we
forcefully demand that the hostilities cease and that we reach a
negotiating table that allows a balancing of the interests that drive
the conflicts. We forcefully want the slaughter that is taking place in
Ukraine as in Russia to end, and this is because the interests of the
Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs do not justify the death of anyone. This
is the reason why we are against any form of nationalism and patriotism,
also because we are convinced that our homeland is the entire world.


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