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dinsdag 24 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI @188 - EUROPEAN CON-FUSION OR WE WERE FOUR FRIENDS AT THE BAR (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The European Union is experiencing its lowest point in many decades,

dragging Europe along with it, a creature much older than that, although
apparently obsolete. ---- This strange creature, born on the wave of
vague socio-economic theories (German ordoliberalism) but firmly rooted
in the most narrow-minded materiality, limps behind a world that has
begun to run in a very uneducated manner compared to what the statesmen
and "planners" of past generations hoped. ---- After all, if this part
of the world had really had a true political capacity and a true state
sovereignty, we would have lived in a parallel space-time. For the USA,
such a continent would have been unacceptable. Until a few years ago,
Europe was surrounded by fascist or para-fascist dictatorships such as
that of the colonels in Greece, the Franco regime in Spain and the
reactionary dictatorship of Salazar. It does not appear that these three
presences have ever disturbed the overseas allies.
The Russian-Ukrainian war has shown all the enormous cracks in this
building that, to be fair, has never worked (at least according to our
criteria, it may have worked great for someone. In this regard, I
recommend listening to and watching this video from a few years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2culAA6_wwY which is really instructive).
But what has emerged in recent days, even if it has gone unnoticed in an
information system in comparison to which the sanctimonious television
of the DC seems to be made up of Bolsheviks, really appears to be of an
unusual level.
The sabotage of the Nord-Stream 2, or rather the most economically
destructive terrorist attack since the end of the Second World War,
which occurred on September 26, 2022, was carried out by the Ukrainians.
Now, that it was the Ukrainians was obvious, even if the aforementioned
press shamelessly blamed Russia for it. Even an exalted Rampini claimed
in a television broadcast that <<Putin, surrounded by generals and
politicians furious with him for his military failures, now one step
away from a coup against him, would have sabotaged the gas pipelines
that he himself had built to "cut the bridges" and make the conflict
with the West permanent and irreversible and continue the war>> (the
link where you can watch the broadcast is no longer active, perhaps out
of modesty
But, a dramatic turn of events (or stupidity) on August 14, the German
judiciary issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian and the attack (as
was obvious) sees high Ukrainian responsibilities but, obviously,
without the consent of the USA it would not have been carried out.
Biden himself had clearly stated "stop North Stream 2 if Russia invades
Far from defending Ukraine's territorial borders, one of the fundamental
objectives at the time was precisely that of sabotaging Europe's energy
independence. Germany, at the end of Merkel's reign, found itself
deprived not only of a leader, but also of the little sovereignty it had
managed to wrest by becoming the most American nation on the entire
The locomotive of Europe today seems like a coal train (even outside of
And it is precisely on foreign policy that this conglomerate of nations
that have chosen to devolve money to abstract entities (well, abstract
up to a certain point) demonstrates its insignificance.
It is impressive to see that, faced with an American phase of hegemonic
decline, the most vulgar, ideological and fanatical Atlanticism has
taken over the half-wits that govern Europe (with rare exceptions).
The answer to these inconclusiveness seems to have become the path of
authoritarianism, in France, in Germany, in Italy, woe betide anyone who
protests against the Palestinian massacre or is out of line in
supporting (completely unpopular) the actor from Kiev.

What emerges is therefore not only a political ruling class that is
completely inadequate to the situation that could have catastrophic
developments but that does not even seem to understand what is at stake.
Italy, for example, despite the tangle and dramatic situations of its
internal and external history, before the birth of the so-called "second
Republic" had a very long-standing tradition aimed at coexisting in the
Mediterranean with the various situations, tangled up then as now. How
can we forget the historical support given to the Palestinians, to
economic and social relations with what was the USSR. In short, a small
power like that represented by our country needed to promote peace in
the Mediterranean (we also paid very high prices for these choices).
All this ended a long time ago, with the fall of the wall and the start
of a single superpower, in perpetual decline but in full military
supremacy, Atlanticism as a defense against Communism (for which one was
also forced to make concessions both on the welfare side and on the
ideological side) has become a stringent one-track and one-track mind.
Where soft power has worked, now it is time for pure power and even the
famous "Western democracy" can go fuck itself (after all, capital has
been doing this since it was born).
A very dangerous slope because, despite the propaganda being active at
full capacity, it seems that the consensus towards the "best of all
worlds" is no longer so total, so as Brecht would have said "The Central
Committee has decided: since the people do not agree, a new people must
be appointed". But the mechanism seems to have jammed because opponents
are accused of propagating fake news (and it is often true), but to do
so they produce industrial fake news.
For example, the undaunted Italian press, even in the face of evidence
relating to Nord Stream 2, manages to produce pearls absolutely worthy
of B-Movies from the 70s (without any offense to the latter, of course)
Since we do not believe that this insane article can remain visible for
long, we decided to use it as a headline for this article of ours.
Against the single thought of capital, it seems to oppose a dangerous
counter-thought such as that and itself born of capital (which is
capable of regenerating itself in every situation).
Managing to fight them both is a titanic undertaking that falls to those
who believe in reasoning, rationality and also in class conflict,
without which the leap from the frying pan into the fire is just around
the corner.
Indeed, it is in a Ukrainian bar.

Andrea Bellucci

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