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zaterdag 28 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FDCA, Cantiere: September 2024 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Europe of the bosses and their wars - AL/FdCA- page 3

Bangladesh: violence and police repression does not pass - Ignazio Leone
- page 7
On "Socialism of the 21st century" - Giulio Angeli - page 9
Portugal from the end of the dictatorship to the impossible revolution:
50 years since April 25, 1974 - M.
Ricardo Sousa - page 15
Elements of continuity of educational action from childhood to adulthood
- Paola Perullo page 19
For a libertarian revolutionary ecological strategy - Union Communiste
Libertaire - page 21
Trade unionism in the United States of America: some paths - Roberto
Manfrendini - page 23
Pier Carlo Masini and Geoge Fontenis: two experiences of struggle for
class anarchism - edited by Paolo
Papini - page 25
Marx or Keynes? Capitalism management is outdated - Alternative
Libertaire - pg.29
Poetry - The Corner of the Brigades - edited by Rosa Colella - pg. 31

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