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vrijdag 27 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilie Libertaria #451: The journeys of death and the oil tankers of war - No port for genocide! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

It was already known that the response of the apartheid state of Israel
to the bloody attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023 would be extremely
violent and relentless, to date there have been more than 40,000
Palestinian victims, most of whom are civilians, children and women, and
countless Palestinian journalists, the Lancet even counts around 186,000
victims. ---- There are approximately 59 wars in the world at this time
(https://www.perlapace.it/quante-le-guerre-corso-nel-mondo-adesso/) but
these 10 months of violence in Gaza have seen enormous international
mobilizations in favor of the Palestinian population and for an end to
the violence. These actions have taken many forms, from street
demonstrations and squares around the world, to non-violent direct
actions such as those of Palestine Action (in the UK) and Free Palestine
(in Italy) against major weapons manufacturers such as Elbit Systems and
Leonardo spa, to university camps and student demands to stop
collaboration agreements between universities and the apartheid state of
Israel. Social media has been flooded with messages of pro-Palestine
support as well as with stark but real images of the consequences of the
very heavy bombings and the daily violence to which the population of
Gaza is subjected along with the political games and the resulting
famines. The International Court of Justice has also been mobilized
against Israel thanks to the intervention of South Africa and other
nations, leading to important rulings in April 2024.

Among the most recent international campaigns against the ongoing
violence of the apartheid state of Israel towards the Palestinians, the
No Harbour for Genocide campaign aims to bring to public attention the
issue of oil-weapons-death and how Israel is fueling itself to carry out
the genocide and ethnic cleansing underway in Gaza. We recall that in
relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), the United
Nations Human Rights Council passed a resolution in April 2024
expressing deep concern about the transfer of aviation fuel to Israel,
which commits violations of international law.

The No Harbour for Genocide campaign (NHFG), which includes various
solidarity groups from America/Turtle Island to the Mediterranean, calls
for a joint international effort to prevent the transfer of cargo that
would fuel the genocide underway in Gaza and the OPT. The campaign calls
on all Mediterranean port cities to refuse to allow oil tankers bound
for Israel to dock at their facilities and calls on States to uphold
their obligations under the Genocide Convention, to refuse to be
complicit in genocide and to prevent it, particularly following Israel's
violation of the International Court of Justice's May 24 order to cease
operations in Gaza immediately. The NHFG also calls for investigating
any vessels that may be carrying military fuel bound for Israel and
preventing their departure by seizing such vessels and/or confiscating
their cargo.

The NHFG focuses primarily on two paramilitary vessels, the tankers
Overseas Sun Coast and Overseas Santorini, which carry the majority of
Israel's supplies of combat jet fuel. Since 2014, these two tankers have
transported millions of barrels of military-grade fuel from supplier
Valero Energy to refuel Israel's F-16 fighter jets under a US government
agreement with Israel. Their usual route for transporting JP-8 fuel from
Valero's Corpus Christi refinery in Texas to the Israeli port of
Ashkelon includes landings in Italy (e.g. Livorno and Augusta). Each
shipment carries about 300,000 barrels of fuel, which can refuel an F-16
fighter jet about 12,000 times.

Among the most recent actions of the NHFG, the group Gibraltar for
Palestine at the end of July managed to disrupt the landing actions so
much that the Overseas Santorini was not allowed to dock. While in
Italy, on August 20, the Overseas Sun Coast docked at the port of
Livorno and was "welcomed" by protests from many activists including the
autonomous group of port workers of Livorno which, like Gibraltar for
Palestine, is part of the international NHFG campaign, openly contesting
the landing of the ship.

Based on the call for an arms embargo, the UN Special Rapporteur for the
Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, has called on the
international community to immediately impose oil sanctions and an arms
embargo against Israel. The Italian authorities, complicit in the
genocide, remain on the wrong side of history, sleeping against
paramilitary oil tankers but strongly capable of stopping needy migrants
at ports for days and creating harassing routes by making NGO ships
travel over 150,000 kilometers more than necessary in 2023, forcing them
to disembark in the most distant ports of northern Italy instead of
facilitating and speeding up access to southern ports.

During the last No Muos camp of this year, the need to mobilize forces
on the island that can respond and promptly join this international call
of NHFG and show dissent and resistance should oil tankers approach our
shores was discussed. This would also be a great opportunity for all the
Sicilian antimilitarist realities (No Muos, etc...) to unite not only
against the ongoing genocide but also in the creation of a greater
Sicilian antimilitarist effort against an ever-growing and normalized
culture of war and against the ever-imminent danger of a global war. We
must resist together!

Gabriele Cammarata

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